You can name a cockroach after your ex just in time for Valentine's Day


Ex partners with an axe to grind are being offered the chance to name their ex after a cockroach, just in time for Valentine's Day.

The Hemsley Conservation Centre has announced that it is giving people the opportunity to pick and name a cockroach after whomever they please, and you can obtain this service for the fine price of £1.50.

Your cockroach of choice and its name will be displayed at the Conversation Centre's exhibit, so if you ever feel like swinging by and seeing how your ex is getting on, then you can do that too.

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The Conversation Centre has said: 'For those that don't quite require revenge, there’s another way to make you feel better about getting back at your ex this Valentine’s Day.'

If you have a friend who might be feeling a bit blue this time of year after a hectic split from someone, then you can also name a cockroach after their ex if you think it could put a little smile back on their face:

'The HCC is offering the chance to name a cockroach in honour of your friend's worthless ex-"someone" on this special holiday of love.'

Getty Images

'We are highlighting these creatures through our 'name a cockroach programme' (we think adopt is a little too strong, after all - you probably don't want to adopt your friend's ex) to raise money for our projects at the zoo.'

Valentine's Day can be a bit of a grim time for many, especially if you've only recently broken up with your ex.

You can either take the high road and ignore this annual celebration of romance as best as you can, or, you can tackle the holiday face on by naming your ex after one of the most repulsive and universally despised creatures known to man.

We'll let you weigh up your options whilst we make our way to the Conservatory.

Us, bitter?! Never...

Freelance Lifestyle Writer

Niamh McCollum is a freelance lifestyle writer who has written for Future titles GoodTo and Marie Claire UK, plus the Irish Independent. The Dublin-based journalist specialises in stories 

affecting families - from health updates, to the freshest parenting debates and celebrity announcements.