10 best stomach exercises to try at home

Get a toned tummy the easy way with our round-up of the stomach exercises - you can fit loads of these into your every day routine for a flat tum, fast!

13 little ways to make your best friend's day

Get a toned tummy the easy way with our round-up of the stomach exercises - you can fit loads of these into your every day routine for a flat tum, fast!

Hands up who'd like a flat stomach? Yep, we thought so. Sadly, for all of us who don't find the idea of sweating at the gym and running around in the cold all that appealing, stomach exercises really are one of the best ways to lose belly fat fast.

But we have good news - stomach exercises don't have to be tricky! There's no need for a personal trainer or even a gym membership with all our easy stomach exercise ideas.

A few simple flat stomach exercises at home will shift the flab so you'll feel more confident in your favourite jeans and tops. And, come summer, you'll want to show off your flat stomach in that bikini on the beach just like the celebs. All it takes is a bit of dedication and setting aside a little time every day to devote to your abdominal exercises to see amazing results.

So, start toning up your tummy today with these easy flat stomach exercises. From dancing around the living room to the clever trick that will make you look liked you've lost weight instantly, these flat stomach exercises will give you a toned, flat tummy in no time at all!

Dance it off

All types of vigorous dancing are great when it comes to burning fat and

calories - for example, did you know that by turning up your favourite

music and dancing around the living room, you could burn about 400

calories in an hour?

What's more, you could even get the kids to

join in! There are a number of great fitness DVDs that focus on the

benefits of dancing, including the Fitsteps DVD from three of Strictly's biggest stars!


taking up a new hobby and learning how dance? See what dance lessons

are available in your area - salsa, ballroom and belly dancing are all

particularly good for toning up tums.

Swap your chair for a fitness ball

Woman sitting on an exercise ball

(Image credit: Rex features)

Ever stop to think just how much time you spend sitting down?


you're guilty of spending too many evenings on the sofa or not getting

up around walking around the office enough during the day, sitting too

much can have many negative health benefits, including poor circulation

(not to mention unsightly cellulite!)

You might feel silly but

sitting on a fitness ball instead of a chair when you watch telly will

help tone up your belly. You have to use your muscles, especially your

stomach muscles to balance and stay on the ball.


Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)

Yes, we know you've heard it before but sit-ups or crunches can help

fight the flab. You won't see a change immediately and you may need to

build up to doing 10-15 sit-ups a day. Always hold your hands by your

ears rather than behind your head so you don't strain your neck or back.

The reverse curl

Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)

If you find sit-ups difficult try the reverse curl instead, it's just as

effective but easier on the back. Start by lying on the floor, with

your hands by your sides. Lift your bum off the floor using just your

stomach muscles and keep your arms and shoulders on the floor. Hold for a

few seconds then lower yourself back to the floor. Repeat 15-20 times.


Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)


isn't just for celebs like Madonna and Gwyneth you know! Practicing

yoga can have a multitude of health and wellbeing benefits, and a

flatter tummy is just one of them.

And the best news? You can

get into your comfy clothes and and try the poses in your own living

room with the aid of a DVD, and it can be done at at any level too. It's

great for toning all over but especially good at toning the belly

because of the breathing exercises that are involved, and because it

helps your posture - and good posture leads to a flatter tum!

Check your posture

Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)

A flat tummy has a lot to do with how good your posture is, so if you're

reading this and slouching - listen up! To keep your tummy flat you

need to keep your back strong too as the band of muscle around your

waist also helps support your spine. So stand up straight and keep your

back and stomach muscles taut.

Crunch and twist

Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)

Once you've been doing sit-ups for a while you'll notice that they've

become a lot easier, don't give up and don't just do more, do them

differently instead.

Keep your hands by your ears and raise

yourself up slowly then twist your body - from the waist, not your back

or shoulders - and try to touch your knees with your opposite elbow,

i.e. your right elbow comes up and across to touch your left knee.

Untwist and go back to your starting position. Repeat on each side 10-15


Touch your toes

Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)

If you're bored of sit-ups, try this exercise instead. Lie on the floor

with arms straight up, pointing at the ceiling. Slowly curl yourself up

and forward so that your hands are pointing towards your toes - and if

you can, touch your toes. Then return to your starting position but do

it slowly to stretch the muscles. Repeat 15-20 times.

Hold your stomach in

Flat stomach exercises

(Image credit: iStock)

Ok so this one might not sound like an exercise, but engaging your

stomach muscles is a great way to tone your tummy when you're feeling a

little lazy!

Try holding your tummy in for a few seconds and

gradually increase the duration - this is a great one to try when you're

waiting for a bus, sitting in the car, anywhere!

Could it be bloating?

Beat the bloat diet

(Image credit: iStock)

If you're suffering from a bloated stomach, then there are a number of easy things you can try to get a flatter stomach without the need for hardcore exercises. Swap fizzy drinks for still drinks, chew slowly and take pre and pro biotic supplements, which will increase your good gut bacteria and lessen the bloating.

Jessica Dady
Food Editor

Jessica Dady is Food Editor at GoodtoKnow and has over 12 years of experience as a digital editor, specialising in all things food, recipes, and SEO. From the must-buy seasonal food hampers and advent calendars for Christmas to the family-friendly air fryers that’ll make dinner time a breeze, Jessica loves trying and testing various food products to find the best of the best for the busy parents among us. Over the years of working with GoodtoKnow, Jessica has had the privilege of working alongside Future’s Test Kitchen to create exclusive videos - as well as writing, testing, and shooting her own recipes. When she’s not embracing the great outdoors with her family at the weekends, Jessica enjoys baking up a storm in the kitchen with her favourite bakes being chocolate chip cookies, cupcakes, and a tray of gooey chocolate brownies