Jamie Oliver's 5 ingredient smoky chorizo salmon recipe

(77 ratings)

Ready in just 11 minutes, this smoky chorizo salmon dish from Jamie Oliver's 5 ingredient quick and easy recipes is the perfect mid-week meal

  • healthy
Total Time11 mins
Cost RangeNot

Ready in just 11 minutes, this salmon dish is the perfect mid-week meal.


  • 2 x 150g salmon fillets, skin on, scaled, pin-boned, from sustainable sources
  • 300g ripe mixed-colour cherry tomatoes
  • 4 sprigs of fresh basil
  • 8 black olives (stone in)
  • 30g higher-welfare chorizo




  1. Put the salmon flesh side down in a large cold non-stick frying pan and place on a medium-high heat. As the pan comes up to temperature and the salmon begins to sizzle (about 3 minutes), flip it over and cook on the skin side for 5 minutes, or until very crisp and just cooked (depending on its thickness).
  2. Meanwhile, halve the cherry tomatoes, tear up most of the basil leaves, then toss it all with 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar and a pinch of sea salt and black pepper. Squash the olives and discard the stones, then finely chop the flesh. Mix with 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and a splash of water.
  3. Finely slice the chorizo, add to the pan for the last 2 minutes, then toss in the dressed tomatoes for 30 seconds. Divide between your plates, with the salmon on top. Spoon over the dressed olives and pick over the remaining basil.
Jamie Oliver
Celebrity chef, author and restaurateur

Jamie Oliver MBE is one of the most famous celebrity chefs in the country. His cheeky Essex boy persona and simple, delicious food have made him a hit in the food industry. Starting his career as a pastry chef at Antona Carluccio's Neal Street restaurant in London, he made his unannounced appearance in a BBC documentary while working at The River Cafe in Fulham and the producers loved him. From there his television career started to take off and now he has over ten best-selling books, including classics like Jamie's 15 minutes meals and Save with Jamie as well as having restaurants all over the world. Although, at the heart of all Jamie's recipes is the desire to make easy family dishes that are full of quality ingredients and that are super simple to make. If you like the sound of Jamie's recipes, why not try some of our favourite Jamie Oliver recipes including spicy scrambled eggs, prawn curry ,harissa chicken traybake, or chocolate orange shortbread