Chocolate cornflake cakes recipe

(84 ratings)

Chocolate cornflake cakes are perfect for making with the kids. Delicious melted chocolate with crisp cornflakes topped with sugared goodies

Preparation Time10 mins
Cooking Time5 mins
Total Time15 mins plus setting
Cost RangeCheap

Easy, speedy and cheap - chocolate cornflake cakes tick all the boxes when it comes to home baking for kids.

This recipe has only four ingredients (plus extra toppings if you want to decorate your mini cakes). That works out at as little as 20p per cake if you use own-brand products. And they're so easy. The cakes take no baking - the only heat you need is to melt the butter and chocolate. Get kids involved with the mixing and stirring, but ensure they're wearing pinnies as the melted chocolate does have a tendency to get spattered. These make great Easter presents for children to gift to their friends at schools or clubs, especially when they can say they made them themselves. Once the cakes are cool and set you can bag them individually and tie with a pretty ribbon. They are best eaten the same day.


  • 350g plain chocolate
  • 2 tbsp golden syrup
  • 140g butter
  • 170g cornflakes
  • Mini chocolate eggs, jelly beans or fondant stars, to decorate (optional)




  1. Line a muffin tin with 18 cases.
  2. Melt the chocolate, syrup and butter in a pan, stirring occasionally. Tip the cornflakes into a bowl and carefully pour over the melted chocolate mixture, and mix well, being careful not to crush the cornflakes.
  3. Spoon the cornflakes into cases. Chill in the fridge until set.
  4. Decorate with milk chocolate mini eggs or little edible fondant stars, if you like.

Top tip for making chocolate Cornflake cakes

These also taste great as a pudding, served with strawberries or a dollop of cream.

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Octavia Lillywhite
Food and Lifestyle Writer

Octavia Lillywhite is an award-winning food and lifestyle journalist with over 15 years of experience. With a passion for creating beautiful, tasty family meals that don’t use hundreds of ingredients or anything you have to source from obscure websites, she’s a champion of local and seasonal foods, using up leftovers and composting, which, she maintains, is probably the most important thing we all can do to protect the environment.