Mum reveals plans to buy daughters vibrators so they 'first learn how to pleasure themselves'

Stephanie Land writes, 'in addition to getting a worn copy of Our Bodies, Our Selves, my girls will get vibrators'.

A mum-of-two has written an intimate article detailing her plans to buy her young daughters vibrators.

Stephanie Land, from Missoula, Montana, shared her thoughts in a post for SheKnows, explaining how when she first had sex, aged 17, it became something of an 'addiction' and one that she wasn't equipped to deal with, because, in her own words, 'I still had no clue about masturbation.'

'I only knew that he'd made me feel something I'd never felt before and I could only get that feeling from him,' she said in her piece for SheKnows.

The 37 year old now intends to stop her daughters having the same experience by educating them about self pleasure, not only by buying them vibrators but informative books such as Our Bodies, Our Selves.

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Stephanie, who blogs frequently about life with her daughters, says she wants them to 'learn how to pleasure themselves' before having sex

Her youngest daughter is only one, but Stephanie adds that she knows her eldest, currently aged eight, is fast approaching the age where sex will be a topic of conversation. She says that although her daughter understands the basics of reproduction, she thinks her mother has only had sex twice, and doesn't yet understand the idea of sex being enjoyable.

'I know it's coming, and I'm anxious to give my daughter the self-pleasure knowledge I grew up believing was a sin.

'I want her to have mind-blowing, amazing sex, and she won't know how unless she first knows how to have it with herself,' she writes.

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Stephanie notes that statistically, as a single parent, her children are more likely to lose their virginity at a younger age

Since the article was published in April 2016, the response has been huge, and often controversial, with some readers criticising the piece as being 'creepy' or 'exploitative'.

'I cannot believe that someone would sit down an write this. Hey, in a few years, your daughters are going to read this crap and be humiliated and more screwed up than you can imagine,' one commenter exclaimed.

Stephanie later told Mail Online, 'I fear the absence of self-pleasure sets girls up for engaging in sex at an earlier age, without knowledge of how their bodies work, leaving them vulnerable to STDs, pregnancy, and finding themselves in situations they are not comfortable with.'

'I think it's important to empower women in not only knowing what feels good, but expecting it and even asking for it when they're ready, instead of sex just being an act that's expected of them.'

What's your take on Stephanie's approach to sex education? Leave us a comment in the box below and let us know your thoughts.

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