150 middle names and their meanings for boys and girls (our favourite is #54)
Remember when middle names were always Louise or James - well, no more. We've found choices as individual as your baby

As middle names go - the more unique the better. Deciding on one is an exciting part of preparing for your new arrival. With so many common middle names though, finding an original one can be tough, but we've got you covered.
You're in luck, not only is Goodto the place for unique baby names, but we've also gone and researched plenty of unique middle monikers that will complement whatever you've chosen for your baby's first name. From Axel to Xavier, Alma to Yvonne, long gone are the days when Jane and Louise, or Edward and James, seemed to be the go-to choices. We have now found you 150 gorgeous names to choose from.
Browse our expert naming content to find names to cherish, including luxurious baby names, and names inspired by the natural world. Plus, discover which names are falling out of fashion.
Family editor at Goodto Stephanie Lowe tells us, "I don't have a middle name, no one ever believes me - they think I do but it's just really embarrassing - but I really don't. I remember always wanting Jane to be my middle name, but now I've seen these, I reckon Brier would definitely be my choice."
For middle name inspiration scroll down to find the most popular middle names in the UK for boys and girls.
How to choose a unique middle name
Once you've chosen that all-important first name, picking a second name may seem like a lesser exercise, but it can be just as significant, says Laura Wattenberg, founder of Namerology. "Unless you're planning to treat the two names as a single whole, like "Ella-Rose," the first and middle are fundamentally different. Only the first name becomes the child's everyday identity. So rather than choosing the middle name as merely a runner-up in the baby name contest, it's worth thinking about other roles it can play."
Both Laura and Pamela Redmond, founder of Nameberry, point out that many families use the middle name to honour family members. "Some parents might use a family surname in the middle, so both parents are represented in the child's name," says Pamela.
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"Flow was once the prime consideration when it came to middle names, with middle names like Ann, Lee, Lynn and James acting as a euphonic bridge between first name and last," says Pamela. "This still happens today, with the hottest middle name choices including Rose and Grace for girls, Lee or John for boys, James for both."
However, some parents are going against the flow, says Laura. "Thinking ahead, a middle name with a contrasting style can be a change-of-pace alternative to give your child flexibility."
Pamela notes a trend taking off among younger parents and celebrities of choosing unique middle names that push gender boundaries. "This started with girls getting masculine middle names like James, usually honouring a family member, but it's starting to take off for boys too, for example, Rihanna and A$AP Rocky's baby boy Riot Rose. It's a feminist statement, a new way to invest your child's name with gender neutrality, and it also makes the name very individual."
The middle name is a great place to use names that are personally significant but that you wouldn’t put in first place because they’re too unusual. "This can be anything from your favourite flower to the city where you spent your honeymoon or a word representing a quality you value, like Justice or Peace," says Pamela. "Celebrities in recent years have used such middle names as Nightingale, Blue, Rebel, Love, Presley, Snow and Wildflower."
Namerology.com founder Laura Wattenberg is the author of the Baby Name Wizard books and the original creator of BabyNameWizard.com. Her research-based approach to names, and groundbreaking tools like the NameVoyager grapher and MatchMaker name finder, have helped change the way the world views baby names.
Pamela Redmond is the world's leading expert on baby names. The coauthor of ten ground-breaking name guides, Redmond is the cocreator and CEO of Nameberry. Redmond writes and is quoted frequently as a baby name expert in publications around the world. She has appeared on Oprah, The Today Show, CNN, and many other television shows as a name expert, and has also been interviewed on podcasts and radio programs such as NPR and the BBC.
Middle names for boys and girls
Unique middle names for boys
- Aaron Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: AR-ən Meaning: Aaron was the older brother of Moses in the Old Testament. His name means "exalted, high mountain."
- Abel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: AY-bel Meaning: In the Bible, Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve, who was killed by his jealous brother Cain. His name means "breath, vapour."
- Alexander Origin: Greek | Style: Royal | Pronunciation: al-eg-ZAN-der Meaning: Alexander the Great conquered much of Asia. His name means "defending men."
- Andrew Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: AN-droo Meaning: Andrew was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus. His name means "manly, warrior."
- Anthony Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: AN-thə-nee Meaning: Derived from a Roman clan name, Anthony means "priceless one."
- Archer Origin: English | Style: Word Name | Pronunciation: AR-chər Meaning: Archer comes from the English word for a bowman or skilled archer.
- Arthur Origin: Celtic | Style: Legendary | Pronunciation: AR-thər Meaning: King Arthur was the legendary leader of the Knights of the Round Table. His name means "bear."
- Asher Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: A-shər Meaning: Asher was one of the twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible. It means "happy, blessed."
- Atlas Origin: Greek | Style: Mythological | Pronunciation: AT-ləs Meaning: In Greek myth, Atlas held up the sky. His name means "to bear or endure."
- Aubrey Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: AW-bree Meaning: Aubrey is derived from the German Alberich, meaning "elf ruler".
- August Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: uh-GUHST Meaning: August comes from the Roman name Augustus, meaning "exalted, venerable."
- Axel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: AK-səl Meaning: Axel came into use as a Scandinavian form of the Biblical Absalom, meaning "father is peace."
- Bernard Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: bur-NARD Meaning: Bernard means "strong, brave bear" in Old German. Saint Bernard was a 12th-century monk.
- Callum Origin: Gaelic | Style: Scottish | Pronunciation: KAL-əm Meaning: Callum is the Scottish form of Columba, meaning "dove."
- Carter Origin: English | Style: Occupational | Pronunciation: KAHR-ter Meaning: Carter is an English surname meaning "transporter of goods by cart."
- Colton Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: KOHL-tən Meaning: Colton comes from an English surname referring to someone who lived in a coal or dark town.
- Cooper Origin: English | Style: Occupational | Pronunciation: KOO-per Meaning: Cooper is an English surname for a barrel maker.
- Easton Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: EE-stən Meaning: Easton comes from a surname meaning someone who lived east of a settlement or monastery.
- Emmett Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: EM-it Meaning: Emmett is a Hebrew name meaning "universal."
- Evelyn Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: EV-ə-lin Meaning: Evelyn was originally a medieval male name that became feminized. It means "wished for child."
- Ezekiel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: i-ZEE-kee-əl Meaning: Ezekiel was an Old Testament prophet whose name means "God strengthens."
- Ezra Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: EZ-rə Meaning: Ezra appears in the Old Testament as a scribe and priest. His name is Hebrew for "help."
- Felix Origin: Latin | Style: Ancient | Pronunciation: FEE-liks Meaning: Felix is a Latin name meaning "happy" or "fortunate."
- Finn Origin: Irish | Style: Gaelic | Pronunciation: FIN Meaning: Finn was a mythical Irish hero and leader of the Fianna warriors. His name means "fair, white."
- Fletcher Origin: English | Style: Occupational | Pronunciation: FLECH-er Meaning: Fletcher is an English surname for an arrow-maker.
- Flynn Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: FLIN Meaning: Flynn is an Irish surname possibly derived from the word for "red-haired" in Gaelic.
- Frederick Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: FRED-ə-rik Meaning: Frederick comes from the Germanic elements frid, meaning "peace," and ric, meaning "ruler, power."
- Gabriel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: GAY-bree-əl Meaning: Gabriel was the angel who heralded the news of Jesus' birth. His name means "God is my strength."
- Gael Origin: Celtic | Style: International | Pronunciation: GAY-əl Meaning: Gael is an Irish name referring to someone from Gaelic or Celtic regions.
- Grayson Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: GRAY-sən Meaning: Grayson originated as a surname referring to the "son of the steward."
- Hank Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: hank Meaning: Hank is a short form of Henry, meaning "estate ruler." It has an old-fashioned cowboy feel.
- Hudson Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: HUD-sən Meaning: Hudson comes from a surname meaning "Hugh's son."
- Jasper Origin: Persian | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: JAS-pər Meaning: Jasper is a Persian name for a colourful gemstone with stripe or spot patterns.
- Jesse Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: JES-ee Meaning: Jesse was the father of David in the Old Testament. His name means "gift."
- Jonah Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: JOE-nə Meaning: In the Bible, Jonah survived being swallowed by a whale. His name means "dove."
- Jude Origin: Latin | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: jood Meaning: Jude is a New Testament name. It means "praised."
- Kai Origin: Hawaiian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: kie Meaning: Kai is a Hawaiian name meaning "sea."
- Kingston Origin: English | Style: Trendy | Pronunciation: king-stən Meaning: Kingston is an English place name meaning "king's settlement."
- Kit Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: kit Meaning: Kit is a medieval diminutive of Christopher, meaning "bearer of Christ."
- Knox Origin: Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: nahks Meaning: Knox comes from a Scottish surname derived from a place name meaning "round hill."
- Levi Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: LEE-vie Meaning: Levi was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. His name can mean "joined, attached."
- Lincoln Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: LINK-ən Meaning: Lincoln evolved from an English surname for someone from the city of Lincoln, meaning "settlement by the pool."
- Luca Origin: Latin | Style: International | Pronunciation: LOO-kə Meaning: Luca is an Italian and Spanish form of the Roman name Lucius, meaning "man from Lucania."
- Macks Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: maks Meaning: Macks is a shortened form of Maxwell, an English surname meaning "Mack's stream."
- Mateo Origin: Spanish | Style: International | Pronunciation: mah-TAY-o Meaning: Mateo is the Spanish form of Matthew meaning "gift of God."
- Maverick Origin: English | Style: Cowboy | Pronunciation: MAV-ə-rik Meaning: Maverick comes from a Texan surname for an unbranded calf. It connotes independence.
- Micah Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: MIE-kə Meaning: Micah is a Hebrew name meaning "Who is like God?" He was an Old Testament prophet.
- Miles Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: milez Meaning: Miles is an English form of the Slavic name Milan, meaning "gracious" or "dear."
- Mpaso Origin: African | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: em-PAH-so Meaning: Mpaso is thought to be used as a first name, middle name or surname and means “gift from God.”
- Murray Origin: Scottish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: MER-ee Meaning: Murray is a Scottish surname derived from a place name meaning "seaside settlement."
- Nico Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: NEE-koh Meaning: Nico is a gender-neutral name of Italian origin. Being the Italian, shortened version of the Greek Nicholas, this name has power through tradition. It means “victory of the people.”
- Nolan Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: NOH-lən Meaning: Nolan is an Irish surname derived from nuall meaning "champion, famous."
- Otis Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: OH-tis Meaning: Otis is an old Germanic name possibly meaning "wealth" or "godly."
- Otto Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: AWT-oh Meaning: Otto is an ancient Germanic name derived from aud, meaning "wealth and fortune."
- Ozzy Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: OZ-ee Meaning: Ozzy is a modern nickname that originated as a short form of names like Oswald or Osborne.
- Randall Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: RAN-dəl Meaning: Randall evolved from a Germanic name meaning "rim wolf" or "shield wolf."
- Rhys Origin: Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: reece Meaning: Rhys is a Welsh name meaning "ardour or enthusiasm."
- Roman Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: RO-mən Meaning: Roman is derived from the name of the ancient city of Rome, meaning "citizen of Rome."
- Samuel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: SAM-yoo-əl Meaning: Samuel was a Hebrew prophet and judge in the Old Testament. His name means "God has heard."
- Sawyer Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: SAW-yər Meaning: Sawyer is an occupational name referring to someone who saws wood.
- Sebastian Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: sə-BAS-chən Meaning: Sebastian was a 3rd-century martyr. His name comes from the Greek sebastos, meaning "revered."
- Sigmund Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: SIG-muhnd Meaning: Sigmund comes from old German elements meaning "victorious protector."
- Silas Origin: Latin | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: SIE-ləs Meaning: Silas was an early Christian leader mentioned in the New Testament. His name meant "wood, forest" in Latin.
- Sonny Origin: American | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: SUN-ee Meaning: Sonny is an American diminutive. It connotes warmth and friendliness.
- Victor Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: VIK-tər Meaning: Victor comes from a Roman name meaning "conqueror," from the Latin vincere.
- Vincent Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: VIN-sənt Meaning: Vincent is from the Roman name Vincentius meaning "conquering."
- Virgil Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: VIV-ee-ən Meaning: Vivian comes from the Latin vivus meaning "alive." It was used for both genders historically.
- Vivian Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: VIV-ee-ən Meaning: Vivian comes from the Latin vivus meaning "alive." It was used for both genders historically.
- Walker Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: WAWK-er Meaning: Walker comes from an English surname for someone who walked or fuller cloth.
- Walter Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: WAHL-ter Meaning: Walter comes from Germanic elements meaning "army" and "ruler."
- Weston Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: WES-tən Meaning: Weston was an English surname for someone from the western town or settlement.
- Wyatt Origin: English | Style: Cowboy | Pronunciation: WIE-ət Meaning: Wyatt was an English surname referring to a brave warrior.
- Xavier Origin: Basque | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: ZAY-vee-ər Meaning: Xavier comes from the Basque place name Etxaberri, meaning "the new house."
- Zachary Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: ZAK-ə-ree Meaning: Zachary was the father of John the Baptist in the Bible. His name means "God has remembered."
Unique middle names for girls
- Ada Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: eh-dah Meaning: Shortened from the German name adalberta which is from the Old High German adal, meaning "noble". Can also be a shortened version of Adele and Adelaide.
- Alessia Origin: Italian | Style: International | Pronunciation: ah-LEH-see-uh Meaning: Feminine form of Alessio, the Italian form of Alexius, derived from Greek alexein meaning "to defend."
- Alma Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: AL-mah Meaning: Alma is a Latin name meaning "nourishing" or "kind."
- Amalia Origin: German | Style: International | Pronunciation: ah-MAH-lee-ah Meaning: Amalia is a variation of Amelia that originated in Germany and Scandinavia. It means "work."
- Amara Origin: African | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: ah-MAH-rah Meaning: Amara is an Igbo name meaning "grace" in the Nigerian language.
- Amelia Origin: German | Style: Literary | Pronunciation: ah-MEE-lee-ah Meaning: The name Amelia was created for Henry Fielding's novel Amelia. It means "work."
- Angelique Origin: French | Style: Romantic | Pronunciation: ahn-zhuh-LEEK Meaning: Angelique is a French feminine form of Angelicus, meaning "angelic."
- Arabella Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: air-uh-BEL-uh Meaning: Arabella may come from the Latin orabilis meaning "invokable." It was coined in the 17th century.
- Aria Origin: Hebrew/Italian | Style: Musical | Pronunciation: AR-ee-uh Meaning: Aria can mean "lioness of God" in Hebrew or is an Italian word for a melody.
- Astrid Origin: Norse | Style: Mythic | Pronunciation: AS-treed Meaning: Astrid comes from Old Norse elements meaning "divinely beautiful."
- Aurelia Origin: Latin | Style: Ancient | Pronunciation: aw-REEL-yah Meaning: Aurelia was the name of a Roman goddess and noble family. It means "golden."
- Aurora Origin: Latin | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: ə-RAWR-ə Meaning: Aurora was the Roman goddess of the dawn.
- Ava Origin: Latin | Style: Simple | Pronunciation: AY-və Meaning: Though it originated as a medieval variant of Eva, Ava feels like a modern invention. It means "like a bird."
- Avalon Origin: Arthurian | Style: Mythic | Pronunciation: AV-uh-lahn Meaning: In Arthurian legend, Avalon was a mythical island associated with Morgan le Fay.
- Bailey Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: BAY-lee Meaning: Bailey comes from an English surname meaning "bailiff." It can be used for boys or girls.
- Birdie Origin: English | Style: Cute | Pronunciation: BUR-dee Meaning: Birdie is a modern invented name inspired by the bird.
- Brier Origin: English | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: BR-eye-er Meaning: Brier is an English nature name referring to a prickly wild shrub with fragrant flowers.
- Brooke Origin: English | Style: Romantic | Pronunciation: brook Meaning: Brooke is derived from an English surname meaning "small stream."
- Camila Origin: Latin | Style: International | Pronunciation: kah-MEE-lah Meaning: Camila is the Spanish and Portuguese form of Camilla, meaning "young ceremonial attendant."
- Charlotte Origin: French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: SHAHR-lət Meaning: Charlotte, meaning "free man," has a lovely French flair.
- Clara Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: KLAR-ə Meaning: Clara is the feminine form of the Late Latin name Clarus, meaning "bright, clear."
- Clementine Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: KLEM-en-teen Meaning: Clementine is the feminine form of Clement, derived from the Latin clemens meaning "merciful."
- Delilah Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: də-LIE-lə Meaning: In the Bible, Delilah betrayed Samson. The name may mean "delicate, weak."
- Delphine Origin: Greek | Style: Mythic | Pronunciation: del-FEEN Meaning: Delphine comes from Delphi, the ancient Greek city known for its oracle.
- Dulcie Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: DUL-see Meaning: Dulcie developed as a medieval variant of the Latin Dulcis, meaning "sweet."
- Eleanor Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: EL-ə-nər Meaning: Eleanor was the name of queens of England and Aquitaine. It means "light."
- Eloise Origin: French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: EL-ə-weez Meaning: Eloise is thought to be a French form of Aloysius, meaning "famous warrior."
- Estella Origin: Latin | Style: Literary | Pronunciation: eh-STEL-ah Meaning: Estella was created by Charles Dickens for the heroine of Great Expectations.
- Evelyn Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: EV-ə-lin Meaning: Evelyn was originally a medieval male name that became feminized. It means "wished for child."
- Everly Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: EV-er-lee Meaning: Everly is a modern invented name possibly based on the surname Everley, meaning "boar meadow."
- Faye Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: fay Meaning: Faye is a modern spelling of the Middle English Faie, meaning "fairy."
- Flora Origin: Latin | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: FLO-rə Meaning: Flora comes from the Latin word for "flower." In Roman myth, Flora was the goddess of spring.
- Grace Origin: English | Style: Virtue | Pronunciation: grayss Meaning: Grace is an English virtue name referring to the Christian concept of divine grace and mercy.
- Halo Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: HAY-loh Meaning: A halo is a ring of light around the sun or moon. Halo is also an angelic term.
- Harper Origin: English | Style: Occupational | Pronunciation: HAR-pər Meaning: Harper comes from the English word for a harp player.
- Hazel Origin: English | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: HAY-zəl Meaning: The hazel is a tree with yellow flowers and edible nuts.
- Josephine Origin: French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: JO-sə-feen Meaning: Josephine is the French feminine form of Joseph, meaning "God will add."
- Jude Origin: Latin | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: jood Meaning: Jude is a New Testament name. It means "praised."
- Juliana Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: joo-lee-AHN-ah Meaning: Juliana is a feminine form of Julian, meaning "youthful, downy beard."
- Leah Origin: Hebrew | Style: Biblical | Pronunciation: LEE-ə Meaning: In the Old Testament, Leah was the first wife of Jacob. Her name means "weary."
- Lia Origin: Italian | Style: International | Pronunciation: LEE-ah Meaning: Lia is an Italian diminutive of names ending in -lia, such as Amelia.
- Luna Origin: Latin | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: LOO-nə Meaning: In Roman myth, Luna was the goddess of the moon.
- Lyla Origin: Arabic | Style: Global | Pronunciation: LIE-lə Meaning: Lyla is a spelling variant of Laila, meaning "night" in Arabic.
- Lyra Style: Musical | Pronunciation: LIE-rə Meaning: Lyra refers to the small harp-like instrument and the constellation.
- Mae Origin: Diminutive | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: may Meaning: Mae is a short form of names containing "May" like Mary or Margaret. It means "bitter, pearl."
- Maeve Origin: Irish | Style: Mythic | Pronunciation: MAYV Meaning: In Irish legend, Maeve was a warrior queen. Her name means "she who intoxicates."
- Malia Origin: Hawaiian | Style: Global | Pronunciation: MAH-lee-ah Meaning: Malia is the Hawaiian form of Mary. It also means "beloved" in Swahili.
- Mia Origin: Scandinavian | Style: Cute | Pronunciation: MEE-ə Meaning: Mia originated as a Scandinavian nickname for Marie. It also means "mine" in Italian.
- Murphy Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: MUR-fee Meaning: Murphy is an Irish surname meaning "sea warrior." It has recently come into use for girls.
- Noa Origin: Hebrew | Style: Global | Pronunciation: NO-ə Meaning: Noa is a feminine Hebrew name meaning "motion."
- Nora Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: NOR-ə Meaning: Nora is derived from Honora, an Irish form of the Latin Honoria, meaning "woman of honour."
- Nyra Origin: Swahili | Style: Global | Pronunciation: nie-RAH Meaning: Nyra is a Swahili name meaning "shine, glisten." It is found mostly in East Africa.
- Ocean Origin: English | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: OH-shun Meaning: Ocean refers to the sea, the largest body of water on earth.
- Ophelia Origin: Greek | Style: Literary | Pronunciation: oh-FEEL-yah Meaning: Ophelia was the tragic character in Shakespeare's Hamlet. Her name means "help."
- Paisley Origin: Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: PAYZ-lee Meaning: Paisley is a Scottish place name derived from the French for "church" and "cemetery."
- Parker Origin: English | Style: Unisex | Pronunciation: PAR-kər Meaning: Parker is an Old English occupational surname meaning "keeper of the park."
- Pearl Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: purl Meaning: Pearl is named for the silvery-white gemstone formed in oysters.
- Penelope Origin: Greek | Style: Literary | Pronunciation: pə-NEL-ə-pee Meaning: In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus. Her name means "weaver."
- Persephone Origin: Greek | Style: Mythic | Pronunciation: per-SEF-uh-nee Meaning: In Greek myth, Persephone was the daughter of Demeter who became queen of the underworld.
- Quinn Origin: Gaelic/English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: kwin Meaning: Quinn has origins as an Irish surname and an Anglicization of the Gaelic word for "counsel."
- Raya Origin: Hebrew | Style: Global | Pronunciation: RIE-yə Meaning: Raya is a modern spelling of Rayah, a Hebrew name meaning "friend."
- Remi Origin: French | Style: Unisex | Pronunciation: REH-mee Meaning: Remi is a French diminutive of names containing remi, meaning "oarsman."
- Riley Origin: Gaelic/English | Style: Unisex | Pronunciation: RY-lee Meaning: Riley originated as an Irish surname, derived from the male name Reilly.
- River Origin: English | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: RIV-ər Meaning: River refers to a flowing body of water. It can be used for both genders.
- Rosalia Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: roh-ZAYL-yuh Meaning: Rosalia is an elaboration of Rosa, meaning "rose" in Latin.
- Rose Origin: Latin | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: rohz Meaning: Rose is named for the rose flower. It has endured as a classic name.
- Rowan Origin: Gaelic | Style: Unisex | Pronunciation: ROH-ən Meaning: Rowan is an Irish name for the mountain ash tree with red berries.
- Ruby Origin: Latin | Style: Jewel | Pronunciation: ROO-bee Meaning: Ruby comes from the name of the red gemstone, which is the birthstone for July.
- Sage Origin: English | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: sayj Meaning: Sage is a herb name referring to the culinary herb. It also means "wise" and "prophet."
- Scarlett Origin: English | Style: Romantic | Pronunciation: SKAHR-lit Meaning: Scarlett is an English name that conjures up vivacious Southern belles.
- Stella Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: STEL-ə Meaning: Stella is a Latin name meaning "star." It was created by the 16th-century poet Sir Philip Sidney.
- Theodora Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: thee-oh-DOR-ah Meaning: Theodora is the feminine form of Theodore meaning "gift of God."
- Violet Origin: English | Style: Nature | Pronunciation: VIE-lət Meaning: Violet is derived from the purple flower of the same name. It symbolizes modesty.
- Vivian Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: VIV-ee-ən Meaning: Vivian comes from the Latin vivus meaning "alive." It was used for both genders historically.
- Wren Origin: English | Style: Cute | Pronunciation: ren Meaning: The wren is a small brown songbird. Wren has become a popular short form name.
- Yvonne Origin: French| Style: Classic| Pronunciation: ee-VON Meaning: Yvonne is the feminine form of the French male name Yvon, which is derived from Yves. Yves is the French form of the name Ivo, which ultimately comes from the Germanic name Ivo meaning "yew tree."
What are the most popular middle names?
Unfortunately, the Office for National Statistics doesn't collect data on middle names for its annual release of the most popular baby names in the UK. However, in a survey conducted by Ancestry UK the most popular middle names for girls and boys in the UK have been revealed.
The 10 most popular girls' middle names
- Louise
- Rose
- Grace
- Jane
- Elizabeth
- Ann/Anne
- May/Mae
- Marie
- Mary
- Amy or Katherine
- Victoria or Kate
The 10 most popular boys' middle names
- James
- John
- William
- Thomas
- David
- Robert
- Edward
- Peter or Lee
- Christopher or Alexander
- Michael or Daniel
Still stumped? Why not let us do all the hard work for you, with our baby name generator. Or perhaps you know the genre you're after, and country baby names are where your heart lies. If you've registered your baby's name already but (gulp) you've changed your mind, take a tip from these celebrities who changed their baby's names.
Joanne Lewsley is mum to a tween, and freelance copywriter and editor who creates parenting, health and lifestyle content for evidence-based websites, including BabyCentre, Live Science, Medical News Today and more.
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