Join our community!

Comment on articles, make friends, find like-minded people and share thoughts and experiences by joining the goodtoknow community!

Comment on articles, make friends, find like-minded people and share thoughts and experiences by joining the goodtoknow community!

Why join?

We know you love commenting on our articles but the old way meant you had to write your name and email address every time you wanted to comment. Our new community means you only have to do this once when you sign in.

The sign-in process is really simple and if you have a Facebook account, it's even easier to just link the two together.

All you need to do is decide on a username, enter your email address, first name and last name, choose a password and you're done!

Once you've created your account, you've now got your own identity on goodtoknow. This follows you round wherever you go, which means you can keep track of your comments and also see when someone has replied to you.

You can also create your own picture for your profile, write a bit about yourself and make friends with other goodtoknow users.

What's coming next

We wanted to keep things simple to start with, which is why our community only has comments at the moment. But we have big plans for lots more things - and they're coming really soon.

Over the next few months the goodtoknow community will also have messageboards. This means you can use your profile to create new message threads on whatever topics interest you. You can reply to users, or you can get together with your friends and create groups. Maybe you're a mum with a toddler - you can create a group to find other women like you, or even start a group that's just for your local area. The choice is yours.

The goodtoknow community will then carry on growing and let you do almost everything you can do on Facebook: share pictures and video, chat to friends as well as making new friends.

We're really excited about our new community and we hope you are too. We'd love you to get involved so why not sign up today?

You'll find all the goodtoknow staff on there chatting away too.

So why not click on the link at the top of this page and create your own profile. You can start commenting every day. Coming next: we'll be welcoming all new members on the homepage AND launching a competition to find our most loyal fan. It could be you!

See you soon,


P.S. My user profile name is Jolene goodtoknow editor

Trusted, informative, and empathetic – GoodToKnow is the ultimate online destination for parents. At GoodtoKnow, our mission is 'simple': we're trying to make sense of parenthood. On the site, you'll find everything you need for a happy, healthy family life. Our huge archive of content includes more than 18,000 articles and 1,500 how-to videos. These include expert-backed advice features on parenting, dealing with relationship changes after having a baby, self-care for mums and managing your family finances. We also feature tried-and-tested product reviews and buying recommendations for every stage of family life - from prams and Moses baskets to birthday gifts and top toys.