Girl names beginning with A - 100+ names for baby girls and their meanings
From Abilene to Azura, we've got the best girl names beginning with A - now all you have to do is choose...

Choosing the perfect name for your baby girl can be a tricky task especially if you have your heart set on certain initials or letters. Here, we've got 100 girls' names beginning with A.
The letter 'A' offers a huge range of popular baby names, from traditional and elegant to modern and cool. Whether you're looking for a name with deep historical roots or something more unique and contemporary, we've got you covered.
Keep scrolling to find over 100 gorgeous baby girl names beginning with 'A'. Plus, we've got tips on how to choose a baby name, how to decide on a name if you and your partner have a disagreement, and advice on the laws surrounding baby names in the UK. Happy choosing...
Mum Suz tells us, "Choosing an 'A' name for my baby was a way to honour my grandmother, Alice. She was an incredible woman who played a huge role in my life. Her kindness, strength, and wisdom were always a source of inspiration to me. By giving my daughter an 'A' name - Amelia - I feel like I'm paying tribute to my gran's legacy and passing on her positive qualities to the next generation. It's a beautiful way to keep her memory alive and to connect my daughter to her family history."
What girls' names beginning with A are trending for 2024?
SJ Strum, Baby Name Consultant and Youtuber, has teamed up with greeting card marketplace Thortful to predict the baby names that will be big in 2024, including baby names beginning with A. SJ predicts Amy and Alanis will trend next year as 90s NormCore makes a comeback, while Disney-inspired names will continue to climb.
According to Strum, "Disney Names are one of the most common requests we get at the baby name consultancy: Baby Name Envy. It’s a big trend for 2023 and 2024. Wearable names in this trend are Aurora; meaning dawn, the name of Sleeping Beauty, which is trending up an incredible 230 places last year and I predict it will hit the top 20 most popular girl names in 2024."
Mum-of-three SJ is the leading authority on all things baby names. As well as appearing on TV and helping actors and reality stars name their new arrival, SJ also shares Positive Parenting tips, vegetarian family meals and sustainable shopping with vintage hauls and Scandinavian-inspired boho interiors.
Top baby names for girls beginning with the letter 'A'
1. Abilene
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Origin: Hebrew Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AB-uh-leen Meaning: Grassy meadow or land of pasture.
2. Abra
Origin: Hebrew Style: Boho Pronunciation: Ab-rah Meaning: One of the unique baby names that has connotations of magic – Abracadabra! However, this feminine version of Abraham actually means father of many or born on a Tuesday.
3. Adalane
Origin: Modern Style: Unique Pronunciation: AD-uh-layn Meaning: A modern name with no widely known meaning, offering a unique and stylish sound.
4. Adaline
Origin: French Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AD-uh-line Meaning: Noble or kind.
5. Adalynn
Origin: English Style: Modern Pronunciation: AD-uh-lin Meaning: A modern name that is a variant of the classic name "Adeline."
6. Addison
Origin: English Style: Modern Pronunciation: AD-i-suhn Meaning: Son of Adam or child of Adam.
7. Adelaidine
Origin: German Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AD-uh-layd Meaning: Noble or nobility.
8. Adelina
Origin: Spanish Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-duh-LEE-nuh Meaning: Noble or nobility.
9. Adelisa
Origin: Spanish Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-duh-LEE-suh Meaning: Noble or kind.
10. Adelise
Origin: French Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-duh-LEES Meaning: An elegant name with no widely known meaning, often chosen for its graceful sound.
11. Adelphia
Origin: Greek Style: Vintage Pronunciation: ah-DEL-fee-uh Meaning: Sisterly love or brotherly love.
12. Adelynn
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: AD-uh-lin Meaning: A modern name that is a variant of the classic name "Adeline."
13. Adora
Origin: Latin Style: Charming Pronunciation: uh-DOR-uh Meaning: Adored or beloved.
14. Agatha
Origin: Greek Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AG-uh-thuh Meaning: Good or kind.
15. Agnes
Origin: Greek Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AG-nes Meaning: Pure or holy.
16. Aida
Origin: Italian Style: Exotic Pronunciation: EYE-duh Meaning: Reward or present.
17. Aileen
Origin: Irish Style: Classic Pronunciation: eye-LEEN Meaning: Bright or shining.
18. Ainsley
Origin: Scottish Style: Modern Pronunciation: AYNZ-lee Meaning: Hermitage wood or clearing.
19. Aisha
Origin: Arabic Style: Exotic Pronunciation: EYE-shuh Meaning: Alive or she who lives.
20. Aisling
Origin: Irish Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ASH-ling Meaning: Dream or vision.
21. Aislinn
Origin: Irish Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ASH-lin Meaning: Dream or vision.
22. Alaina
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LAY-nuh Meaning: A variant of Elaine, meaning shining light or bright.
23. Alana
Origin: Irish Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LAN-uh Meaning: Fair or beautiful.
24. Alani
Origin: Hawaiian Style: Exotic Pronunciation: uh-LAH-nee Meaning: Orange tree or serenity.
25. Alaya
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LAY-uh Meaning: A variant of Alia, meaning high or exalted.
26. Alayna
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LAY-nuh Meaning: A variant of Elaine, meaning shining light or bright.
27. Alba
Origin: Latin Style: Elegant Pronunciation: AHL-buh Meaning: Dawn or white.
28. Aleah
Origin: Hebrew Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LEE-uh Meaning: Ascend or to ascend.
29. Alejandra
Origin: Spanish Style: Elegant Pronunciation: a-le-HAHN-dra Meaning: Defender of mankind.
30. Alena
Origin: Slavic Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LEE-nuh Meaning: Bright or shining.
31. Alessandra
Origin: Italian Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-leh-SAHN-dra Meaning: Defender of mankind.
32. Alessia
Origin: Italian Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-LEH-see-uh Meaning: Defender of mankind.
33. Alexa
Origin: Greek Style: Modern Pronunciation: ah-LEK-suh Meaning: Defender of mankind.
34. Alexandra
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: ah-lek-SAN-drah Meaning: Defender of mankind.
35. Alexandria
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: al-eg-ZAN-dree-uh Meaning: Defender of mankind.
36. Alexia
Origin: Greek Style: Modern Pronunciation: ah-LEK-see-uh Meaning: Defender of mankind.
37. Alexis
Origin: Greek Style: Modern Pronunciation: ah-LEK-sis Meaning: Defender of mankind.
38. Alia
Origin: Arabic Style: Exotic Pronunciation: AH-lee-uh Meaning: High or exalted.
39. Alice
Origin: Germanic Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AH-lis Meaning: Noble or exalted.
40. Alina
Origin: Slavic Style: Elegant Pronunciation: uh-LEE-nuh Meaning: Bright or beautiful.
41. Alisa
Origin: Hebrew Style: Classic Pronunciation: uh-LEE-suh Meaning: Great happiness or joy.
42. Alison
Origin: English Style: Classic Pronunciation: AL-uh-suhn Meaning: Son of Alice or noble.
43. Alivia
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LIV-ee-uh Meaning: A modern variant of Olivia, meaning olive tree.
44. Aliyah
Origin: Hebrew Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-LEE-yuh Meaning: To ascend or go up.
45. Allegra
Origin: Italian Style: Charming Pronunciation: ah-LEG-rah Meaning: Joyful or lively.
46. Allison
Origin: English Style: Classic Pronunciation: AL-uh-suhn Meaning: Son of Alice or noble.
47. Alma
Origin: Spanish Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AHL-muh Meaning: Soul or nurturing.
48. Alondra
Origin: Spanish Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-LAWN-dra Meaning: Defender of mankind.
49. Alora
Origin: Modern Style: Unique Pronunciation: uh-LOR-uh Meaning: A modern name, often chosen for its unique sound.
50. Althea
Origin: Greek Style: Vintage Pronunciation: al-THEE-uh Meaning: Healing or wholesome.
51. Alyssa
Origin: Greek Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-LIS-uh Meaning: Noble or rational.
52. Amaia
Origin: Basque Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-MY-uh Meaning: End or limit.
53. Amalia
Origin: German Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-MAH-lee-uh Meaning: Work or industrious.
54. Amanda
Origin: Latin Style: Classic Pronunciation: ah-MAN-duh Meaning: Worthy of love or deserving to be loved.
55. Amara
Origin: African Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-MAH-rah Meaning: Grace or kindness.
56. Amaya
Origin: Basque Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-MY-uh Meaning: The end or night rain.
57. Amber
Origin: Arabic Style: Classic Pronunciation: AM-bur Meaning: Fossilized tree resin or jewel.
58. Amelia
Origin: German Style: Classic Pronunciation: uh-MEE-lee-uh Meaning: Work or industrious.
59. Amelie
Origin: French Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-MAY-lee Meaning: Hardworking or industrious.
60. Amina
Origin: Arabic Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-MEE-nuh Meaning: Trustworthy or faithful.
61. Amira
Origin: Arabic Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-MEER-uh Meaning: Princess or leader.
62. Amiya
Origin: Modern Style: Unique Pronunciation: uh-MEE-yuh Meaning: A modern name often chosen for its unique sound.
63. Amiyah
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: uh-MI-yuh Meaning: A variant of Amiya.
64. Amora
Origin: Spanish Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-MOR-uh Meaning: Love or beloved.
65. Amoura
Origin: Modern Style: Unique Pronunciation: ah-MOOR-uh Meaning: A modern name with connotations of love and affection.
66. Amy
Origin: French Style: Classic Pronunciation: AY-mee Meaning: Beloved or dearly loved.
67. Anais
Origin: French Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-nay-EES Meaning: Grace or favor.
68. Anastasia
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: ah-nuh-STAY-zhuh Meaning: Resurrection or to stand up again.
69. Andrea
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: ahn-DRAY-uh Meaning: Strong or manly.
70. Angel
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: AYN-jul Meaning: Messenger or messenger of God.
71. Angela
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: an-JAY-luh Meaning: Messenger or messenger of God.
72. Angelica
Origin: Greek Style: Elegant Pronunciation: an-JEL-uh-kuh Meaning: Angelic or like an angel.
73. Angelina
Origin: Greek Style: Elegant Pronunciation: an-juh-LEE-nuh Meaning: Messenger or messenger of God.
74. Anika
Origin: German Style: Modern Pronunciation: ah-NEE-kuh Meaning: Grace or favour.
75. Anisa
Origin: Arabic Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-NEE-suh Meaning: Companion or friend.
76. Anita
Origin: Spanish Style: Classic Pronunciation: ah-NEE-tuh Meaning: Grace or favour.
77. Annabel
Origin: English Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AN-uh-bel Meaning: Lovable or easy to love.
78. Annalise
Origin: German Style: Elegant Pronunciation: AN-uh-lees Meaning: Graced with God's bounty.
79. Annika
Origin: Scandinavian Style: Modern Pronunciation: ah-NEE-kuh Meaning: Grace or favour.
80. Anya
Origin: Russian Style: Classic Pronunciation: AHN-yuh Meaning: Grace or favour.
81. April
Origin: Latin Style: Classic Pronunciation: AY-pril Meaning: Opening or opening buds of spring.
82. Arabella
Origin: Latin Style: Elegant Pronunciation: ah-ra-BEL-uh Meaning: Beautiful or yielding to prayer.
83. Aria
Origin: Italian Style: Exotic Pronunciation: AHR-ee-uh Meaning: Air or melody.
84. Ariana
Origin: Italian Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ar-ee-AHN-uh Meaning: Holy or very holy.
85. Arianna
Origin: Italian Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ar-ee-AHN-uh Meaning: Holy or very holy.
86. Ariel
Origin: Hebrew Style: Exotic Pronunciation: AYR-ee-el Meaning: Lion of God or hearth.
87. Ariella
Origin: Hebrew Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ar-ee-EL-uh Meaning: Lion of God or hearth.
88. Arielle
Origin: Hebrew Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ar-ee-EL Meaning: Lion of God or hearth.
89. Ariya
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: AR-ee-yuh Meaning: A variant of Aria, meaning air or melody.
90. Ariyah
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: AR-ee-yuh Meaning: A variant of Aria, meaning air or melody.
91. Ashley
Origin: English Style: Modern Pronunciation: ASH-lee Meaning: Ash tree meadow or ash tree clearing.
92. Aspen
Origin: English Style: Modern Pronunciation: AS-pen Meaning: A type of tree or tree with heart-shaped leaves.
93. Astrid
Origin: Scandinavian Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AS-trid Meaning: Divine strength or strength of God.
94. Athena
Origin: Greek Style: Classic Pronunciation: uh-THEE-nuh Meaning: Goddess of wisdom and war.
95. Aubrey
Origin: English Style: Modern Pronunciation: AW-bree Meaning: Elf ruler or ruler of the elves.
96. Audrey
Origin: English Style: Vintage Pronunciation: AW-dree Meaning: Noble strength or strength of the nobility.
97. Aurelia
Origin: Latin Style: Elegant Pronunciation: aw-REEL-yuh Meaning: Golden or gilded.
98. Aurora
Origin: Latin Style: Classic Pronunciation: aw-RAW-ruh Meaning: Dawn or sunrise.
99. Ava
Origin: Latin Style: Classic Pronunciation: AY-vuh Meaning: Like a bird or life.
100. Avalyn
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: AV-uh-lin Meaning: A variant of Ava, meaning like a bird or life.
101. Avery
Origin: English Style: Modern Pronunciation: AY-vuh-ree Meaning: Ruler of the elves or elf counsel.
102. Aviana
Origin: Modern Style: Modern Pronunciation: ay-vee-AH-nuh Meaning: A variant of Avian, meaning bird-like.
103. Aviva
Origin: Hebrew Style: Exotic Pronunciation: ah-VEE-vuh Meaning: Springlike or youthful.
104. Azalea
Origin: Greek Style: Exotic Pronunciation: uh-ZAY-lee-uh Meaning: A type of flowering shrub or dry earth.
105. Azura
Origin: Modern Style: Exotic Pronunciation: uh-ZOOR-uh Meaning: A modern name, often chosen for its unique sound.
How do you come up with a baby name?
There's no doubt that when it comes to choosing a name for your baby, the choice has never been wider. More parents than ever are opting for unique or exotic-sounding baby names, throwing the field of choice wide open! "A baby’s name is one of the first gifts they get. So it’s no surprise that many parents put so much time and effort into finding the right one," says Kirsty Douglas, Parenting Expert at Kiddies Kingdom. "When trying to come up with a baby name, it’s a good idea to start by deciding if you prefer commonly used or more unique names - this will help you reduce a potential list. The ONS collects data on baby names every year, which can be used to find the most popular (or common) names. For example, in 2021 Noah and Olivia were the most popular."
If you're struggling to narrow down your longer list of favourite names, or you're not even sure where to start, these tips will help:
1. Consider your own values and beliefs: Think about what values and beliefs you want to instill in your child. Names with religious or spiritual significance may be meaningful if this is important to your family.
2. Think about your family history and heritage: Reflecting on your cultural and ethnic background and naming your child in a way that connects them to your heritage can be a source of pride and identity. "Take inspiration from popular culture, your surroundings, and existing family traditions to find a name you like", advises Kirsty.
3. Consider how it sounds: Pay attention to how the name sounds with your last name and the rhythm and flow of the full name when spoken aloud (or shouted across a playground!).
4. Avoid negative associations: Be cautious about names that might have negative connotations. This includes considering potential teasing or mispronunciations.
5. Consider future nicknames: Think about nicknames that could arise from your chosen name. Are you comfortable with them?
6. Popular vs original: Decide whether you prefer a name that is popular and familiar or one that is unique and distinctive. Both have their merits.
7. Think about the long term: Remember that your child will carry this name throughout their life. Will it still suit them as an adult?
8. Initials: Check the initials of the first, middle, and last name together to ensure they don't spell anything undesirable.
9. Ask for advice and ideas: Friends and family may have some brilliant ideas for your baby name, but don't feel pressured to choose a name based solely on others' opinions.
10. Explore variations in spelling: Don't be afraid to explore variations of names you like. Sometimes a small change can make a big difference.
11. Research the meaning of names: Look up the origins and meanings of names you're considering. You might find a name with a beautiful meaning that resonates with you.
12. Take your time! Naming your child is an important decision, so don't rush it. In the end, trust your instincts. The name that resonates with you and feels right is likely the best choice for your child.
Jacinta, mum of two, explains how her chosen name for her first baby girl ended up changing after she was born. "Initially, we had settled on an entirely different name. However, when our daughter arrived, it just didn't seem to fit her. So, we decided to take a couple of days to really get a sense of what name suited her best. Surprisingly, we ended up going with a name that we had both actually dismissed weeks before. It turns out, it suits her perfectly!"
Remember that choosing a name is a personal decision, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. What matters most is that the name holds meaning and significance for you and your family.
Kirsty Douglas is a parenting expert for the parenting essentials website Kiddies Kingdom.
What to do when you can't decide on a baby name?
If you and your partner are struggling to agree on a baby name, you're not alone. According to a poll by US website BabyCenter, half of parents polled disagreed with their significant other about what to name their baby.
We've got some positive steps to help you resolve the issue and find a name that both you and your partner are happy with.
Keep communication open
Start by having an honest conversation with your partner about your naming preferences. Each of you should express why you like or dislike certain names. This can help you understand each other's point of view better.“If you can’t decide on a name, a great tip is to see how it sounds when paired with your family name. Some names sound lovely by themselves but won’t necessarily match every surname," says Kirsty.
What's important to each of you?
Discuss what aspects of a name are most important. For example, your partner might think family heritage is essential to consider, while you might prefer something more unique. Understanding your priorities can guide your decision-making.
Mum Louise explains how she and her partner, Jonny, decided on their baby name: "Jonny and I were stuck in a name-choosing deadlock. It seemed that every name I proposed was met with a no from him, and he wasn't offering any alternatives. Frustrated, I decided to compile a list of about 15 names that I genuinely liked and would have been content with any of them. To my surprise, he found three of them acceptable, and from that point, we began the process of elimination. After a couple of weeks, we finally settled on one name that both of us are genuinely pleased with."
Be willing to compromise
You might not get your top choice, but you can find a name that includes elements both of you like. This might mean considering variations of names you both like or finding a name with similar meaning.
Consider middle names
Sometimes, using a name you both like as a middle name can be a good compromise if you can't agree on a first name. This allows both of you to have input.
Take a break if things get heated
If one or both of you start to feel frustrated or stuck, take a break from discussing names for a while. Sometimes, stepping away from the topic (and the arguments!) and revisiting it later can lead to fresh ideas.
Remember that choosing a name is a significant decision, but it's just one part of welcoming a new addition to your family. In the end, what matters most is that you and your partner feel comfortable and happy with the name you choose for your baby.
What are the rules on naming a baby in the UK?
In terms of registering your baby's name, the rules are very clear. While you need to register your baby's birth within 42 days, you don't have to decide on their name within that time frame. In fact, you have up to one full year from the registration date to enter your baby's name into the register.
However, when it comes to what you can name your baby, there's surprisingly little legislation in the UK. According to the Office of National Statistics, "The UK has no law that restricts names that parents can legally give to their children. However, names that contain obscenities, numerals, misleading titles, or are impossible to pronounce are likely to be rejected by the Registering Officer."
So while you have carte blanche to name your baby almost anything, be prepared to have anything that could be considered to be offensive, refused. For example, the Court of Appeal recently stopped a Welsh mother from naming her twin girl 'Cyanide' due to the emotional harm the child could suffer as a result. The Court of Appeal ruled that naming the girl after a "notorious poison" that Adolf Hitler used to end his life was unacceptable.
If you're still looking for inspiration then look no further we've done all the hard work for you, with our baby name generator, or perhaps you know the genre you're after, and country baby names are where your heart lies. Know that if you change your mind you can always make a change, like these celebrities that have changed their baby's names.
Joanne Lewsley is mum to a tween, and freelance copywriter and editor who creates parenting, health and lifestyle content for evidence-based websites, including BabyCentre, Live Science, Medical News Today and more.
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