Parents call new CBeebies show ‘absolutely terrifying’ and say it's giving them ‘nightmares’

cbeebies show leaving parents terrified
(Image credit: Getty)

Parents have branded new CBeebies show ‘absolutely terrifying’.

Mums and dads are claiming that the new CBeebies show, which is aimed at children under six-years-old, is giving them nightmares.

Taking to Reddit to express their thoughts on the children’s cartoon, a stream of parents discussed the show on a thread called ‘Moon and Me (Cbeebies) is absolutely terrifying’.

‘My wife and I have nightmares,’ wrote one dad. ‘They way they move as well. It’s not even a joke.’

Another scared parent commented: ‘That xylophone kids dead unseeing eyes will haunt me for the rest of my days.’

‘The clown?’ replied another. ‘He’s called Colly Wobble. Pretty sure his side job is harvesting organs.’

‘And the way that woman summons the sleeping toy to start with “Peppi Naaaanaaa”’, contributed another. ‘No. F*ck off. Absolutely. 100%.’

‘This is the scary bit of parenting people don’t tell you about,’ added the Reddit user.

Another claimed that the creators must be aware of the effect of the children’s programme, writing: ‘When something is THIS disturbing for adults and still appealing to children it makes me feel like they know exactly what they’re doing and just seeing how far they can push it at this point.’

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And one parent gave advice on how other mums and dad can avoid the terrifying show writing: ‘Depending on how old your kid(s) are, just switch to More4 at that time its usually Supervet or Secret Life of the Zoo; Mine doesn’t bat an eye and just makes animal noises.’

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However, one dad defended the TV programme, explaining that it’s been done in a way to help children’s development.

‘The amount of adults attempting to write funny statements on this programme for toddlers and small babies is saddening.

‘Yes, it’s jarring and creepy to view as an adult but this is all hardwired viewing for small humans minds to process and engage with, the characters look this way for a reason and it helps the bambinos analyse and recognise little things, it’s all clever stuff and Cbeebies is a godsend of a programme, my children although growing up very quickly still like to tune in now even though they’re 5 and 8! It’s all good fun.’

Have you tuned in to Moon and Me? And if so what did you think of it? Head over to our Facebook page to have your say.

Aleesha Badkar
Lifestyle Writer

Aleesha Badkar is a lifestyle writer who specialises in health, beauty - and the royals. After completing her MA in Magazine Journalism at the City, the University of London in 2017, she interned at Women’s Health, Stylist, and Harper’s Bazaar, creating features and news pieces on health, beauty, and fitness, wellbeing, and food. She loves to practice what she preaches in her everyday life with copious amounts of herbal tea, Pilates, and hyaluronic acid.