210 Christmas baby names for boys and girls plus their meanings - we adore #53
Christmas baby names from Eve, Wren, and Ginger to Pax, North, and Robin, check out our selection of 210 Christmas baby name picks

Our Christmas baby names list could offer up a winning name for parents-to-be awaiting a winter baby, giving your little one a Christmas-themed name adds an extra dose of festive spirit. We've got all the inspiration you need.
For many parents, the most daunting task of the baby-naming process is choosing between unique baby names and cute baby names. Luckily, a Christmas-themed baby name can offer you both. This time of year offers a treasure trove of naming possibilities, including nature-inspired names that hark back to the ancient traditions of the winter solstice.
Editor’s note
While our article has categorised the names into the gender binary of ‘boys’ and ‘girls’, it’s important to note that they can be used for anyone - irrespective of the sex assigned at birth. So you should choose your Christmas baby name based on what you think sounds best, and what suits your child.
Child psychologist Lee Chambers says selecting a baby name can prove challenging for expectant parents. “Unique names can create a distinct identity. By choosing unusual Christmas-themed names, parents build expression and nonconformity into their parenting approach.”
Josie, a mother of twins born in July, chose celebratory names despite the summer delivery: “I just love Christmas, so I named my daughters Celeste and Eve. I couldn't resist the festive names.”
There are so many cute Christmas baby names to choose from. Here are our top 210 picks for Christmas baby names that ring in seasonal delight now and through the years.
Christmas baby names
The top Christmas baby names include Clara, Ivy, Eve, Natalie, Holly, Josephine, Mary, Lucia, and Angela. For the boys, further down, you'll come across Theodore, Felix, Pax, Nicholas, Joseph, Christian, Christopher, and Angel. Happy scrolling!
Christmas baby girl names
- Angel Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ayn-jel Meaning: No Christmas tree would be complete without an angel at the top and this angelic name means divine messenger.
- Angelica Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: An-jel-ih-kah Meaning: A variation on Angel, Angelica means angelic, perfect for your angelic-looking Christmas baby.
- Angelina Origin: Spanish, Italian, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: An-jel-ina Meaning: A diminutive form of Angela, which is derived from the Greek angelos, which means messenger of God.
- Alegria Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Uh-leh-gree-uh Meaning: Christmas is the season of joy, which is why this gorgeous Italian-derived name, which means joyous or cheerful, makes the perfect festive baby name.
- Alvie Origin: British | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Al-vee Meaning: A unisex name, Alvie means elf friend.
- Ailsa Origin: Scottish, Norse | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ail-sah Meaning: Related to a rocky island in the Firth of Clyde called Ailsa Craig, this cute Christmas baby name also means elf victory - and we all know how important those elves are come Christmas time!
- Amaryllis Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Am-ah-rill-iss Meaning: A flower commonly associated with Christmas, it means fresh and sparkling.
- Avery Origin: British | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ave-er-ree Meaning: A medieval name, Avery means ruler of the elves.
- Baba Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ba-baa Meaning: A shortened form of Barbara, which means foreign woman, Noel Baba is Turkey's version of Santa!
- Bell Origin: Scottish, English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bell Meaning: Christmas is a time to ring the bells and this musical name was hugely popular at the turn of the last century. It means ringer of the bell.
- Belle Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bell Meaning: The name of Scrooge’s long-lost love, Belle means beautiful in French.
- Berry Origin: British | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Beh-ree Meaning: Noble and bright, berries are a popular fruit come Christmas time and would make a super cute baby name for any festive baby.
- Beth Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Beth Meaning: Beth, as in Bethlehem, the city where Jesus Christ was born, would make a great Christmas baby name. It's a diminutive of Elizabeth and means pledged to God.
- Bianca Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bee-yuhn-cah Meaning: Bianca is the feminine noun for the colour white in Italian - a great name if a white Christmas occurs!
- Blanche Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Blan-sch Meaning: Blanche is a snowy-themed name that means white.
- Brandy Origin: Dutch | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bran-dee Meaning: A popular spirit at Christmas time, Brandy means burnt wine.
- Cady Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kay-dee Meaning: This cute baby name is a variation of French word cadeaux, meaning present. It also comes from a Greek word, which means pure.
- Candy Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Can-dee Meaning: A diminutive of Candace, which means white, pure or sincere. Candy canes are also a popular Christmas sweet and makes a super cute festive baby name.
- Carol Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Can-dee Meaning: A feminine version of Charles, which means free man. Nothing could be more festive than a Christmas carol and if you want a more modern version, it can be spelt Carolle.
- Celeste Origin: Latin, French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Seh-lest Meaning: Just like those Christmas angels, Celeste means heavenly.
- Chiara Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Key-aah-rah Meaning: Christmas means lots of lights, which is why this baby name, which means light and clear, is perfect for any festive-born babies.
- Christina Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kris-teen-uh Meaning: Dating back to medieval times, Christina is derived from the word Christian, meaning follower of Christ. Can also be spelt Kristina.
- Christmas Origin: British | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kris-muhs Meaning: The ultimate festive baby name, Christmas translates to the mass of the Christ.
- Cindy Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Sin-dee Meaning: Cindy Lou, a character from The Grinch who believes that everyone is missing the point about Christmas and that it should be about love and not gifts. A diminutive of Cynthia, Cindy means from Mount Kynthos.
- Cinnamon Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sin-a-mon Meaning: A Christmas spice name, made its first and only appearance on the US baby name charts in 1969, the year Neil Young released his song Cinnamon Girl.
- Clara Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Llar-uh Meaning: Clara is the little girl in the famous festive ballet, The Nutcracker, and also means bright and clear.
- Clementine Origin: French, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Clem-en-tine Meaning: A citrus fruit commonly eaten at Christmas time, Clementine means mild or merciful.
- Clio Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Clee-oh Meaning: Clio was the Mythological Muse of historic poetry and means to celebrate, which is something we all like to do at Christmas!
- Coco Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ko-ko Meaning: Forget turkey, as far as we're concerned the food of Christmas has to be chocolate! This name literally comes from the word cocoa and was made famous by luxury designer Coco Chanel back in the '20s.
- Comet Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Kom-it Meaning: While Comet has associations with space, it's also the name of one of Santa's reindeers, making it the perfect Christmas baby name!
- Cookie Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: kook-ee Meaning: This sweet-sounding biscuit name, often left out for Santa on Christmas Eve, comes from the Latin name cook.
- Crimson Origin: British | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Krim-zuhn Meaning: A festive red colour, Crimson is perfect for a baby born around the holiday season.
- Crystal Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kriss-tal Meaning: The gem name Crystal quite literally means ice - perfect for a winter born baby.
- Darina Origin: Slavic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dah-reena Meaning: Darina comes from the Slavic element dar, which means gift.
- December Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dee-sem-ber Meaning: The month when Christmas falls, this wintry name is perfect for any babies born in the last month of the year.
- Dodie Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Doe-dee Meaning: This sweet nickname is of English origin meaning gift of God.
- Dolly Origin: British | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Doll-lee Meaning: Not only is it the name of one of the greatest music stars ever - Dolly Parton - but this girl's name also means gift of God or a blessing.
- Donna Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Donn-uh Meaning: Donner is one of Santa's reindeers, but this version of the name means lady of the home and was a title of respect in Italy.
- Edith Origin: British | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ee-dith Meaning: Edith is derived from the Old English words ēad, which means riches or blessed, something we all hope for at Christmas!
- Eira Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: A-rah Meaning: A truly wintery baby name, Eira means snow in Welsh.
- Elena Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: E-lay-nah Meaning: Greek variation of Helen, which means bright, shining light.
- Emerald Origin: Persian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Em-uh-ruhld Meaning: This gem name means green - and as it's a super festive colour, it makes for a great Christmas baby name! The gemstone Emerald is supposed to open one's heart to wisdom and love and is good for strengthening relationships.
- Emmanuelle Origin: Hebrew| Style: Classic| Pronunciation: Eh-mah-new-ell Meaning: Emmanuel is a foretold name of the Messiah meaning God with us. This refers to Jesus’ nativity and divine conception, making Emmanuelle a meaningful Christmas name.
- Enya Origin: Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Enn-yah Meaning: Enya means fire - and we all love a crackling fire to warm ourselves at Christmas!
- Estelle Origin: Latin, French | Gender: Girl | Style: Modern Pronunciation: Eh-stel Meaning: The star of David is a big part of Christmas time, so Estelle, which means star, is the perfect festive baby name.
- Eve Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Eev Meaning: According to the Bible, Eve was the first woman created from one of Adam's Ribs, so not surprisingly, it means life. Christmas Eve is probably the most exciting part of the festive season for children. It means living.
- Faith Origin: British | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Fey-th Meaning: Along with hope and charity, faith is one of three virtues described in the Bible - it means loyalty or belief.
- Farrah Origin: Arabic | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Far-rah Meaning: A joyous name for a joyous occasion, Farrah quite simply means happy in Arabic.
- Fayette Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fay-ett Meaning: A fairy at the top of the Christmas tree is the ultimate decoration so Fayette, which means fairy, would make a sweet baby name for any little girl born in the festive season.
- Gabrielle Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Gab-bree-el Meaning: Gabrielle means woman of God and is the female version of Gabriel, the Angel.
- Gala Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Gar-la Meaning: Gala means merrymaking or festivity.
- Garland Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Gar-land Meaning: Garlands are festive greenery decorations traditionally hung during the Christmas season. The name evokes the spirit of adorning one’s home for the holidays.
- Ginger Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gin-ger Meaning: As in gingerbread, the famous Christmas spice - and yes, also the famous Spice Girl. Originally it was a nickname for someone with red hair but is now often used as a diminutive of Virginia, which means spring-like or flourishing.
- Grace Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Gr-ai-s Meaning: Grace is derived from gratia, the Latin word for grace.
- Gloria Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Glore-ee-ah Meaning: Gloria in Excelsis Deo is a famous Christmas hymn and the name quite simply means glory.
- Halo Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Hay-lo Meaning: The name Halo conjures up those Christmas angels and means divine aura.
- Heavenly Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hev-uhn-lee Meaning: Heavenly is a name which means of the heavens or divine.
- Hima Origin: Sanskritt | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hih-mah Meaning: An Indian name, Hima means frost, snow or winter.
- Holly Origin: British | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hol-lee Meaning: A staple of any Christmas decoration and also the subject of the famous festive song - The Holly And The Ivy - this cute baby name comes from the tree of the same name.
- Ivy Origin: British | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: I-vee Meaning: The partner to holly in the song The Holly And The Ivy, the name comes from the plant. In the language of flowers, Ivy signifies faithfulness.
- Jemima Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Juh-my-muh Meaning: This unique name means dove. The dove is a traditional Christmas tree decoration that is symbolic of peace, purity, love and the Holy Spirit.
- Jolee Origin: French |Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Jow-lee Meaning: Santa is a very jolly fellow, which is why this cute name is perfect for Christmas babies. Derived from the French word jolie, it means pretty one.
- Josephine Origin: French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Joh-zuh-feen Meaning: The feminine version of Joseph – who we all know was a big player in the Nativity story – Josephine means Jehovah increases.
- Jovie Origin: American | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jo-vee Meaning: A modern invented name, Jovie is the name of the character played by Zooey Deschanel in the Christmas movie Elf.
- Joy Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Joy Meaning: Christmas is the ultimate season of joy! This cute name can also be spelt the French way, Joie.
- Letitia Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Leh-tish-uh Meaning: It's the season of joy so Letitia, which means joyful or happy, is a great choice for a Christmas born baby girl.
- Lucy Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Meaning: This Latin name, meaning light or shiny, conjures images of festive twinkling lights.
- Mallow Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mall-ow Meaning: Whether it's toasting marshmallows on an open fire or the song It's A Marshmallow World, this sweet treat is synonymous with the festive season. The name Mallow means soft and mellow and comes from the family of plants traditionally used for their relaxing properties.
- Mariah Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mah-rye-ah Meaning: A variant of Maria, Mariah means the Lord is my teacher or the sea or bitter. Of course, Mariah is also the queen of Christmas, ever since she released her hit All I Want For Christmas Is You.
- Marley Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Marr-lee Meaning: Marley is the name of the ghost in Dickens' A Christmas Carol. It means pleasant wood.
- Mary Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mair-ee Meaning: The mother of Jesus, Mary is a pivotal player in the Christmas story! This name has a couple of meanings - either beloved or rebellious.
- Merri Origin: Finnish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Meh-ree Meaning: Having a baby in the festive season would definitely make it a merry Christmas. Merri means joyful and light-hearted.
- Michaela Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mih-kay-luh Meaning: Female version of the name Michael. Angel Michael was the angel of love and family.
- Mistletoe Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mis-u l-toh Meaning: Hung up at Christmas time as a something to kiss under, Mistletoe would make the cutest Christmas baby name!
- Myrrh Origin: Arabic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mur Meaning: A female name of Greek origin that means ancient spice. It was one of three gifts the wise men brought with them when they visited baby Jesus.
- Nara Origin: Celtic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Na-rah Meaning: This unique baby name means happy, which is what we all hope to be at Christmas!
- Natalia Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nah-tal-ee-uh Meaning: Natalia was derived from the Latin word natalis, which means birthday. It refers to the birthday of Jesus and so has become a popular name for girls born on Christmas Day.
- Natasha Origin: Russian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Na-ta-sha Meaning: Made popular in recent years by Scarlett Johanssen's character in the Marvel films - Natasha Romanoff - this Russian names literally means born on Christmas Day.
- Nessa Origin: Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Neh-suh Meaning: A gorgeous name for a festive baby, it means miracle in Hebrew.
- Neva Origin: Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Nee-vuh Meaning: This Spanish girl's name means white snow - and is taken from Nevada, which means snowfall.
- Nicole Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ni-kohl Meaning: Feminine version of Nicholas, it means victory of the people. Saint Nick is another name for Father Christmas so is a great alternative for a girl born at Christmas.
- Noelle Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: No-well Meaning: This is one way to make it feel like Christmas every day for your new baby! Noelle comes from the French noel - Christmas. Noella is also another cute version of this name.
- Nora Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Nor-ruh Meaning: Capture the essence of this bright and cheery festive season with this name that means light. Can also be spelt Norah.
- Olive Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ol-liv Meaning: Olive has positive associations with an olive branch, which symbolises peace, an important part of the Christmas story.
- Oriane Origin: Latin, French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ori-ann Meaning: This pretty girl's name means sunrise or golden, which refers to one of the gifts the Three Wise Men bought for Jesus.
- Paloma | Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pah-low-ma Meaning: From the Spanish for dove, Paloma is a unique festive baby name.
- Pandora Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Pan-dora Meaning: This name conjures up images of all those lovely presents under the Christmas tree as it simply means gift!
- Pudding Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pud-ding Meaning: A super cute name for your newborn, Christmas dinner would not be the same without Christmas pudding.
- Plum Origin: German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Plum Meaning: In the States, Christmas pudding is known as plum pudding and this fruity name would make a great alternative festive baby name.
- Rachel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ray-chuhl Meaning: The name of the first wife of Jacob, Rachel means ewe. The shepherds and their lambs are an important part of the nativity, making this a cute Christmas baby name.
- Ruby Origin: British | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Roo-bee Meaning: While Ruby is the birth stone for July, the red colour commonly associated with Christmas decorations.
- Scarlett Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Scar-let Meaning: Meaning red, a common Christmas colour, the name was first name famous by Scarlet O'Hara, the lead character in the novel and film Gone With The Wind.
- Serafina Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sar-ah-feena Meaning: The seraphim were an order of angels, described by Isaiah in the Bible as having six wings each. It means fiery. Can also be spelt Seraphina.
- Snow Origin: English| Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Snoh Meaning: Snow conjures up idyllic images of a white Christmas and winter wonderland. As a name, it embraces the magic and beauty of the winter season.
- Sonnet Origin: French| Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Sonn-ay or Sonn-et Meaning: Sonnet recalls songs and poetry, including the many treasured Christmas carols and hymns associated with the holiday.
- Star Origin: British | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Stahr Meaning: Stars are closely associated with Christmas, so this sparkly name makes the perfect choice for a festive baby.
- Stella Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Stell-ah Meaning: Stella was derived from stella, the Latin word for star.
- Taraji Origin: Swahili | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ta-raji Meaning: A beautiful name, meaning hope and faith, celebrates the spiritual side of the festive season.
- Tinsel Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tin-sul Meaning: The name Tinsel comes from the French estincele, which means sparkly. It refers to the pretty, twinkling Christmas decoration.
- Una Origin: Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ooo-na Meaning: Una is through to have been derived from the Irish word uan for lamb.
- Wren Origin: English| Style: Vintage| Pronunciation: Renn Meaning: The wren is a small songbird associated with winter and the holiday season. Its singing during Christmas inspired folklore and medieval carols.
- Yari Origin: Spanish, Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Yah-ree Meaning: This glittering girl's name quite simple means gold - one of the gifts given to Jesus by the Three Wise Men.
- Zia Origin: Arabic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zi-ah Meaning: This Arabic name means light or splendour, perfect for a little girl born in the season of lights, Christmas!
- Zuzu Origin: Czech | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Zoo-zoo Meaning: This unique girl's name is of Czech origin and means lily. It's also the name of Jimmy Stewart's daughter in the Christmas classic, It's A Wonderful Life.
- Zohar Origin: Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Zoh-har Meaning: What's Christmas without some sparkle? That's why this unisex name Zohar is a great choice as it means light, brilliance, sparkle.
Christmas baby boy names
- Abbott Origin: Hebrew, Aramaic | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Abb-ott Meaning: Abbott simply means father – and where would Christmas be without Father Christmas?!
- Alfredo Origin: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Al-fray-dow Meaning: Every Christmas needs an elf, and you’ll have one all year round if you choose this cute name as it means elf or magical counsel.
- Alvar Origin: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese | Gender: Unisex | Style: Classic Pronunciation: Ahl-vahr Meaning: This name, which suits both boys and girls, means elf warrior.
- Angelo Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: An-gelo Meaning: The perfect festive name! It’s the Italian version of Angelus, which means angel. Popular at the beginning of the 20th Century, it’s seen a revival in popularity since Adele chose the name for her son.
- Arthur Origin: Celtic | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: An-gelo Meaning: The legendary King Arthur made the name popular in the Middle Ages but more recently, Arthur was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Santa in the movie Arthur Christmas. It means bear.
- Aster Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-stur Meaning: The name of the Aster flower was derived from the Greek word for star – and everyone knows you need a star at the top of the Christmas tree!
- Augustus Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Aw-guh-stuhs Meaning: This popular Roman name means noble or magnificent. Caesar Augustus played a pivotal role in the nativity as he issued a decree that a census would be taken. Because of his decree, Mary and Joseph returned to Bethlehem, the City of David, which is where baby Jesus was born!
- Auryn Origin: Celtic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Au-ryn Meaning: This Celtic name literally means gold, one of the gifts from the Three Wise Men.
- Avi Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Av-eee Meaning: Hebrew for father, this short and sweet name makes the perfect festive reference to Father Christmas.
- Axel Origin: German, Scandinavian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Axe-el Meaning: Recently chosen by Perrie from Little Mix as the name for her first born, Axel means father of peace.
- Bailey Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bay-lee Meaning: Is it Christmas if you haven’t had a Baileys? This name comes from an occupation and means bailiff or law enforcer.
- Balthazar Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Axe-el Meaning: The name of one of the Three Wise Men, this unique name means Baal protects the King.
- Bing Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Bing Meaning: The meaning of Bing is hollow shaped like a pot. It’s also the first name of legendary crooner Bing Crosby who sang the ultimate festive tune – and best-selling single ever – White Christmas.
- Blyde Origin: Dutch | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: B-lide Meaning: A Dutch name, Blyde means joy.
- Bob Origin: British | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Bob Meaning: Bob Cratchit works for Scrooge in Dickens' infamous festive tale A Christmas Carol. The name means fame or bright so is perfectly suited to the Christmas star in your family!
- Buddy Origin: British | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bud-ee Meaning: Buddy is played by Will Ferrell in the hilarious festive flick, Elf. It quite simply means friend.
- Cane Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Keyn Meaning: While this can refer to the candy canes used to decorate the Christmas tree, this sweet-sounding name actually means spear! Can also be spelt Kane or Cain.
- Caleb Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kay-leb Meaning: This strong biblical name means faith or devotion to God. Kaleb is an alternative spelling.
- Calum Origin: Scottish, Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kal-um Meaning: This peaceful name means dove, which is not only a traditional Christmas decoration, but also features in the song, The Twelve Days Of Christmas.
- Cedar Origin: English | Style: Boho| Pronunciation: See-dur Meaning: Cedar trees are often associated with the winter season and are symbolic of strength and endurance. This nature-inspired name adds a touch of warmth to the holiday spirit.
- Celadon Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sel-uh-don Meaning: Green is one of our main Christmas colours – it represents the eternal life of Jesus, so this gorgeous boy’s name, which means green, is perfect for your festive born babe.
- Celyn Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kehl-ahn Meaning: This original boy’s name is from the Welsh for holly, a popular decoration at Christmas time.
- Christian Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kris-chuhn Meaning: This traditional name means follower of Christ. It actually started off as girl’s name in the Middle Ages, but over the years has become a popular boy’s name.
- Christopher Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kris-chuhn Meaning: The patron saint of travelling, Christopher means bearer of Christ. Other variations include Chris, Kit and Topher.
- Clarence Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Klar-ence Meaning: Clarence is the name of the guardian Angel of George in the Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life. It also means bright – which is even more fitting as it’s the season to be merry and bright!
- Claus Origin: Scandinavian, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: C-laus Meaning: A variant of Nicolas, which means victorious people, it of course reminds us of Santa Claus! Can also be spelt like Klaus.
- Clement Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Klem-ent Meaning: A stylish name that honours Clement Moore, who wrote Twas the Night Before Christmas. The meaning of Clement is mild or merciful.
- Clove Origin: French, Latin | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Kl-ohv Meaning: A Christmas spice, this unisex name means nail.
- Cole Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Koh-l Meaning: Traditionally, children were given coal in their stocking at Christmas if they were naughty! Originally a surname, it means charcoal or coal black.
- Crispin Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kris-pin Meaning: Crispin means curly-haired or curly-headed. It also conjures up the rhyme in the classic Christmas carol Good King Wenceslas, deep, and crisp, and even.
- Cullen Origin: Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kull-en Meaning: Originally an Irish surname, Cullen means holly tree. It was also the surname of the vampire family in Twilight series of books and movies.
- Dasher Origin: Scottish, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dash-ur Meaning: This cool reindeer name means purse marker.
- David Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Day-vid Meaning: This traditional name means beloved. Once in Royal David’s City is a popular Christmas song. The City of David also refers to Bethlehem, the city where Jesus was born.
- Douglas Origin: Scottish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dug-less Meaning: This Scottish name means black water. Douglas fir trees are often used for Christmas trees.
- Drummer Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Drum-mer Meaning: This occupational name literally means someone who plays a drum. Little Drummer Boy is also a popular Christmas song.
- Ebenezer Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Eb-uh-nee-zer Meaning: The first name of the Christmas grump turned hero, Ebenezer Scrooge from A Christmas Carol, this unusual name means stone of help. Can be shorted to Eben, which is less of a mouthful!
- Elden Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: El-dun Meaning: This cute name means from the elves’ valley or from the old town.
- Eull Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Yool Meaning: Originally an English surname, Eull is a variation of yule.
- Eurig Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Yore-rig Meaning: This Welsh name means golden – and the baby Jesus received a golden gift from Melchior, one of Three Wise Men.
- Emmanuel Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ee-man-yoo-el Meaning: The other given name of Jesus, Emmanuel means God is with us.
- Felix Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fee-liks Meaning: Felix means happy, which is what we associate Christmas with!
- Frank Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fr-a-nk Meaning: Even though it means free or Frenchman, Frank could also signify Frankincense, which was a gift from Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men.
- Francis Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fr-a-nk Meaning: Even though it means free or Frenchman, Frank could also signify Frankincense, which was a gift from Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men.
- Frederick Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fred-er-ik Meaning: St Nick apparently has an older brother called Frederick! Vince Vaughan played a modern-day version of him in the Christmas movie Fred Claus. Frederick means peaceful ruler.
- Gabriel | Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Gay-bree-uhl Meaning: In the nativity, Angel Gabriel is best known for his delivery of information to the Virgin Mary. It means hero of God.
- Galen Origin: Greek | Gender: Unisex | Style: Vintage Pronunciation: Gey-luhn Meaning: A beautiful unisex name that means peaceful.
- Gale Origin: Irish, English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gey-l Meaning: The name Gale has dates as far back as the Anglo-Saxon tribes of Britain. It was a name for a person who had a cheerful personality and literally means happy and cheerful – something we hope every Christmas is.
- Garland Origin: English, French | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Garr-land Meaning: This name, which comes from the word for wreath, is a Christmas decoration popular on fireplaces and staircases.
- George Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jor-j Meaning: George means farmer. George Bailey is also the main character in It's A Wonderful Life, played by James Stewart - the ultimate festive flick.
- Gil Origin: Hebrew, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ghill Meaning: Looking for something a little different for your Christmas baby? This short and sweet name means joy or bright promise.
- Golding Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Gol-ding Meaning: Red, gold and green are traditional Christmas colours, so this name, which means little golden one, is perfect for a festive-born baby.
- Harkin Origin: Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Har-kin Meaning: Old Irish for dark red – a colour frequently associated with Christmas.
- Heaven Origin: Irish | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Hev-uhn Meaning: Linked to angels and God, which both hold relevance during Christmas, heaven literally means sky.
- Hollis Origin: English | Gender: Unisex | Style: Vintage Pronunciation: Hol-liss Meaning: Derived from the old English, which means dweller at the holly trees, this unisex name is a nice alternative to the more traditional Holly.
- Idris Origin: Welsh, Arabic | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Id-riss Meaning: Made popular by actor Idris Elba, this old Welsh name means prophet or king – a regal name perfect for any festive baby.
- Ingall Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: In-gal Meaning: Ingall means angel, making this a truly heavenly name for your baby boy!
- Isaac Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ahy-zuhk Meaning: Derived from the name Yitzchaq, which comes from the Hebrew word tzachaq, this happy boy’s name means laughter – and we all know that Christmas should be a merry occasion!
- Jack Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jak Meaning: A diminutive of John, this popular name means God is gracious, but is also associated with Jack Frost!
- Jacob Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jay-cob Meaning: A popular biblical boy’s name, Jacob Marley was a character in A Christmas Carol. The name means supplanter.
- Jasper Origin: Persian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Jas-pur Meaning: Jasper is the name of an opaque quartz gemstone, as well as one of Three Wise Men.
- Jesse Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jess-ee Meaning: Of Hebrew origin, Jesse means gift.
- Jesus Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jey-sus Meaning: Popular in Spanish-speaking countries, Jesus is literally what Christmas is all about so why not choose this strong name for your festive baby? It quite simply means the lord is salvation.
- Jona Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Joh-nuh Meaning: Suitable for either a boy or girl, this Hebrew name means dove. For a boy, it can also be spelt Jonah.
- Joseph Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Joh-vee-an Meaning: The earthly father of Jesus, Joseph means God will add.
- Jovian Origin: Latin| Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Joh-nuh Meaning: Jovian is derived from Jove, another name for Jupiter, the king of the Roman gods. It suggests a sense of joviality and festivity, making it a joyful choice for a Christmas baby.
- Kiefer Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kee-fur Meaning: Made famous by actor Keifer Sutherland, this German-originated has various meanings, one of which is forest dweller or pine tree.
- Kioshi Origin: Japanese | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Key-oh-she Meaning: An alternative from the many Biblical Christmas names, this cute Japanese name means silent – as in the festive hymn Silent Night.
- Kendry Origin: Malagasy | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ken-dree Meaning: This Madagascan name means wise man – the perfect festive name for any little boy!
- Kevin Origin: Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kev-in Meaning: While Kevin may not sound festive, he is the main character in one of the most popular Christmas movies ever – Home Alone! The name means handsome.
- Kris Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Krihs Meaning: Kris means follower of Christ. Kris Kringle is also a popular name for Father Christmas in the States.
- Levi Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lee-vie Meaning: A simple and cute name for a Christmas baby boy, it means joined in harmony.
- Luke Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Loo-k Meaning: This festive name means man from Lucania. In the Bible, the Gospel of Luke gives the longest account of the nativity. Other forms of the name are Lucas and the French Luc.
- Lumi Origin: Finnish | Gender: Unisex | Style: Modern Pronunciation: Loo-mee Meaning: Another cute name for snow, this wintry name is perfect for both boys and girls.
- Malachi Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mal-uh-kahy Meaning: In the Bible, Malachi was one of the twelve Hebrew prophets, who foretold the coming of Christ. It means messenger of God.
- Matteo Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mat-tayo Meaning: This Italian version of Matthew means gift of God.
- Ner Origin: Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mat-tayo Meaning: In the Middle Ages candles were used to represent the Star of Bethlehem, which is why we still light them today around Christmas. This cute boy’s name means candle or light.
- Noel Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: No-ell Meaning: The ultimate festive name, Noel literally means Christmas! It comes from the French word Noël.
- North Origin: English | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: N-aw-r-th Meaning: A word name, which means northern farm, this topographical name was chosen by Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for their first born. It’s obviously also associated with the North Pole, making it a very appropriate name for the Christmas season!
- Nicholas Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Nik-uh-luhs Meaning: This classic boy’s name means victory of the people. Saint Nicholas is the Christian saint who the figure of Santa Claus or Saint Nick was modelled on.
- Nico Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nee-koe Meaning: This Italian version of Nicholas is a great alternative for a Christmas name and begetting of any little boy born around the time Saint Nick pays us all a visit!
- Olwen Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ol-wen Meaning: This Welsh name is the perfect for Christmas born babies as it means white footprint – and we all know that’s what Santa leaves behind after his visit.
- Oran Origin: Hebrew, Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Aw-ran Meaning: This short boy’s name means light in Hebrew and in Gaelic means little green one – perhaps they were referring to an elf?
- Oren Origin: Hebrew, Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Or-ren Meaning: A name often heard in Israel, Oren means pine tree.
- Pax Origin: Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Pax Meaning: This festive baby name means peace. Pax was also the Roman goddess of peace, however, it has traditionally been seen as a boy’s name over the years.
- Peregrine Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage| Pronunciation: Per-uh-green Meaning: Peregrine means traveller or pilgrim. This name carries a sense of adventure and journey, making it a unique and festive choice for a little boy.
- Robin Origin: Latin | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Robb-in Meaning: This gender-neutral name (which can also be spelt Robyn) means bright or fame and is also of course, the ultimate Christmas bird!
- Ron Origin: Norse, Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ron Meaning: While the Norse meaning for this name is advice of the ruler, we’re focusing on the Hebrew interpretation which says Ron means to sing or is full of joy! Variations of this joyful name include Ronald or Ronnie.
- Rudolph Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Roo-dolf Meaning: While this German name means famous wolf, we’re thinking more along the lines of that famous reindeer when it comes to this festive name!
- Rumo Origin: Cornish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Roo-moh Meaning: This unique Christmas name comes from the Cornish for red – the ultimate festive colour!
- Sage Origin: Latin | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Sey-jh Meaning: This herby name also means wise – a gentle nod towards the Three Wise Men!
- Seanan Origin: Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Shaw-nan Meaning: A diminutive of Sean, this lovely means little, wise man. The perfect name for your festive born little wise baby!
- Shay Origin: Hebrew, Irish | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Shay Meaning: This cute baby name means stately or gift.
- Shiloh Origin: Hebrew | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Shy-low Meaning: A Hebrew name that means peace or abundant joy, it saw a rise in popularity after ‘Brangelina’ chose it for their daughter.
- Snow Origin: English | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: S-n-oh Meaning: Fast becoming a unisex name thanks to hero Jon Snow in Game of Thrones, it’s the ultimate wintery name for any newborn!
- Solomon Origin: Hebrew| Style: Biblical Pronunciation: Sol-oh-men Meaning: Solomon means peace or peaceful. This biblical name carries a sense of tranquility, making it a fitting choice for a baby born during the peaceful Christmas season.
- Steven Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Stee-vehn Meaning: This traditional name means crown – the ultimate festive head gear found in a Christmas cracker! Can also be spelt Stephen.
- Tannon Origin: German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tan-non Meaning: While some people say this name comes from the English word tanner that means leather maker, many also believe it is from the German word tanne, which means fir tree. It features in the famous Christmas carol, O Tannenbaum.
- Tate Origin: English, Norse | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: T-ate Meaning: Christmas is a time to spread cheer, which is why this short and sweet boy’s name is perfect as it literally means cheerful.
- Theodore Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Thee-a-dor Meaning: ‘Tis the season of giving, so this name, which means gift of God, makes a great Christmas baby name. The nickname, Teddy, is also a super cute alternative.
- Timothy Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Tim-oh-thee Meaning: The character Tiny Tim – the son of Bob Cratchit - plays a key part in Scrooge’s redemption in the Dickens tale, A Christmas Carol. The name means honouring God.
- Wish Origin: Welsh | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Win Meaning: Growing in popularity, Wish, which means a desire or hope for something to happen, is a unique Christmas baby name for both girls and boys.
- Wyn Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Win Meaning: Wyn is a Welsh name that means white or fair – which means if you choose this festive moniker, you’ll have a white Christmas every year!
- Yul Origin: Mongolian, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Yool Meaning: In Mongolian, this name means youthful and downy bearded, it sounds a lot like yule, which means Christmas!
- Winter Origin: English | Gender: Unisex | Style: Boho Pronunciation: Win-ter Meaning: This seasonal unisex name is perfect for any Christmas-born baby.
- Zane Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zane Meaning: A variation of John, it means God is gracious.
Baby name expert
Lee Chambers is a British psychologist, entrepreneur, and speaker. He is the founder of PhenomGames and Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing. Chambers was inducted as a Kavli Fellow of the National Academy of Sciences in 2023.
What makes a good Christmas baby name?
Whether you have a baby due in December, you conceived over the festive period, or Christmas is just your favourite time of the year; you can choose from a huge variety of Christmas names.
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Popular names related to Christmas include Mary, Mariah, Noelle, Noel, Rudy (Rudolph), Ivy, Eve, Angel, Joseph, Juniper.
“A Christmas baby is so special - and it seems fitting to bring the magic of the holiday into your baby’s name - but you don’t need to shout 'theme name'!” advises baby name expert SJ Strum.
“Some beautiful Christmas names include Lumi - which means snow - so beautiful and rare. Or Tanzy after tanzanite, the birth stone for December. For boys, Fraser is a type of Christmas tree. Or how about Aubrey, which means elf ruler?”
A festive moniker is also great for those parents looking for more unique baby names, so their little ones stand out from the crowd.
Get more ideas for Christmas baby names (and they're not all destined to be part of a Christmas joke) from our list - and yes, we checked it twice...
And don't miss our guides to the most searched baby names, millionaire baby names and double barrel baby names.
Should I choose a unique baby name?
Unique baby names are a great way to show off your personality and means your baby won't be one of seven kids with the same name in school.
For many parents one of the most daunting tasks of the baby naming process is choosing between traditional names or more popular baby names . Or they might be tempted to go for one of the more unusual baby names? Some parents are looking further afield to the most popular US baby names or even animal-inspired baby names.
One big thing to consider before settling on a baby name is what might it be shortened to. You might love your choice - until someone gives your baby a nickname that they can't shake (and you hate!).
Finding that unpopular baby name sets the tone for preparing for your little one's arrival. Once you've chosen a name, you can start checking out the best cot beds and pushchairs. We rigorously test all products we recommend with real parent input and hands-on trials, so you can trust our reviews for those top baby essentials.
With over 24 years’ experience in journalism, she’s written about a variety of subjects and is just as at home interviewing A-list stars as she is testing nappies. Having started her career writing about Pokémon, ponies and wrestling, Jayne moved into the world of film journalism, where she spent the next eight years pinching herself while she got paid to interview Hollywood film stars and attend premieres. Since then, she’s launched websites for major magazines, worked with top brands such as Westfield, LK Bennett and Hunter, and had her own tech column in Women’s Own.
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