Nature baby names: 200 names for boys and girls inspired by the great outdoors

Take a look outside for name inspiration, from the natural world around you with these nature-inspired baby names, such as Anise, Juniper and Fleur.
The great outdoors can be a fantastic source of inspiration for a baby name and while cute baby names top the most popular baby name lists as do the best unisex baby names - they've shown such popularity over the years. And now parents are finding inspiration within nature for baby names. If you're looking for more unique baby names, the great outdoors could be the way to go...
Top ten nature inspired names for girls
- Apple
- Briar
- Dahlia
- Fleur
- Jessamine
- Maren
- Oriane
- Posey
- Thora
- Viola
Top ten nature inspired names for boys
- Acker
- Bram
- Coulter
- Forest
- Geo
- Ridley
- Sorrel
- Terran
- Wilder
- Zephyr
“Baby name inspiration can spring from a variety of sources, including plants and animals,” said Andrew Coplestone, founder of Play Like Mum, who recently commissioned a survey on nature-inspired baby names.
“This is especially true following the pandemic that made us appreciate the value of nature. A lot of the more popular names of this list, including River, Forrest, Ocean and Cliff may feed into escapist desires - to want to be united with nature. These names are a reminder to stay resilient in the present and signify a sense of hope for a better future.”
If you want some natural inspiration, take a look at these great nature baby names for boys and girls.
Nature inspired baby names for girls
Acacia Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-kay-shuh Meaning: The Acacia is a tree or bush, which grown in warm climates, and contains clusters of yellow or white flowers with thorns, hence this pretty sounding name has a prickly meaning - thorny!
Amaranth Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Am-uh-ranth Meaning: Amaranth is a seed, a bit like quinoa. It was revered by the Aztecs and Incas, who believed that it had supernatural powers.
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Anise Origin: French, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: A-niss Meaning: This pretty name comes from the name of the aniseed plant.
Anthea Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: An-thee-ah Meaning: Antheas are pale yellow flowers that are known to attract butterflies, so it's no surprise that this pretty name means flowery.
Apple Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: App-el Meaning: Gwyneth Paltrow rocketed this fruity name into the popularity charts when she chose it for her daughter. A sweet nature-inspired name for the apple of your eye.
Autumn Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Aw-tum Meaning: Jennifer Love Hewitt chose this seasonal name for her daughter Autumn James. A pretty name that's perfect for any babies born in the season.
Ayla Origin: Hebrew, Turkish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-la Meaning: A great alternative to Ava or Isla, this nature-inspired girl's name means oak tree, halo or moonlight.
Azealia Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-zil-liyah Meaning: A super cool name thanks to rapper Azaelia Banks, it's also a flower (part of the Rhododendron family) and means flowery.
Blossom Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Blos-som Meaning: A cute name that means to bloom, Blossom was hugely popular in the 1920s, which gives it a great vintage feel.
Bluebell Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Bloo-bell Meaning: Chosen by Geri Horner for her daughter, this pretty woodland flower makes an equally pretty - and distinctive - name for your baby girl.
Briar Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Brye-ur Meaning: Actors Rachel Bilson and Hayden Christensen named their daughter Briar Rose, which very much has fairytale connotations, however this sweet nature-inspired name is also becoming popular for boys. It means thorny patch.
Bronte Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Bron-tay A simple and sweet nature-inspired name that also has great literary connections, Bronte means the sound of the thunder.
Brooke Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: B-rook Meaning: Coming from the word brook or a tiny stream, this name saw a surge in popularity in the 1980s thanks to the rise of child star Brooke Shields.
Calla Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kal-lah Meaning: The perfect name for your beautiful new born girl, it means most beautiful. It's also the name of a flower - the Calla Lilly.
Camellia Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ka-meel-yah. Meaning: Known as the 'queen of the winter flower, Camellias are evergreen shrubs that produce beautiful blooms. This nature-inspired name means either helper to the priest or Kamel's flower.
Cassia Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cass-ee-a Meaning: The cassia tree, produces a spice that can be a substitute for cinnamon, giving this nature name a spicy feel! It's also thought to be the feminine version of Casius, an ancient Roman name that means hollow.
Chloe Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Klow-ee Meaning: A lovely spring-time name, Chlose means young green shoot. Chloe was also an important figure in Greek mythology - it was the alternative name for the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Demeter.
Cicely Origin: Irish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Siss-a-lee Meaning: A name that was popular at the turn of the century, it means blind. Sweet Cicely is also a herbaceous plant that is sometimes used for medicinal purposes.
Clodagh Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Klo-dah Meaning: A name that comes from the River Clodagh in County Waterford.
Clover Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Klo-ver Meaning: Clover is a sweet-smelling flower and is also a traditional symbol of comfort, luck, and wealth. It comes from an old English word that means key.
Coral Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kor-al Meaning: As well as being a form of sealife, Coral also refers to the pretty pinkish/orange colour.
Cordelia Origin: Latin, Celtic | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Cor-de-lee-ah Meaning: Cordelia was one of King Lear's daughters and has a lovely vintage feel to it. It means heart (which comes from the Latin word cor) or daughter of the sea.
Dahlia Origin: Swedish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Day-lia or Dah-lia Meaning: A vintage name showing a resurgence in popularity and it's easy to see why as it means flower or valley. In the language of flowers, the Dahlia denotes elegance and dignity so a great name to bestow on your own little flower.
Daisy Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Day-zee Meaning: Originally a nickname for Margaret - the French Marguerite is the word for the flower – the flower daisy symbolises innocence and purity. Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom recently named their daughter Daisy Dove.
Daphne Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Daf-nee Meaning: Daphne was the daughter of Peneus, the god of rivers, however this pretty name has less of watery meaning - a laurel or bay tree. A vintage-name, it's seen a huge rise in popularity in the last year thanks to the lead heroine in Bridgerton bearing the name.
Dawn Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dawn Meaning: A word name that means the first appearance of light or daybreak, Dawn was first used back in the 1920s.
Doone Origin: Scottish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Doon Meaning: Originally a Scottish surname, this nature-inspired name means hill or mountain.
Dusty Origin: German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dust-ee Meaning: Dusty first became popular as a girl's name thanks to 1960's singer Dusty Springfield. The name, which means brave warrior or dusted area, can be used for both girls and boys.
Eden Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ee-den Meaning: A popular biblical name for both boys and girls, Eden is the garden of paradise where Adam and Eve lived and means place of pleasure.
Enya Origin: Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Enn-yah Meaning: The Anglicised spelling of the more traditionally Irish name, Eithne, it was made famous in the UK and USA by singer Enya. It means nut kernel.
Elowen Origin: Cornish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Eh-low-en Meaning: This unique name is Cornish for elm tree; a tree which said to symbolise strength. Just prepare yourself for those teen battles…
Ember Origin: English, French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Em-bur Meaning: Yes, it's what you call the smouldering remains of a fire, but it also makes a really pretty girl's name. Some say it's also the French derivative of Amber.
Eira Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: I-ra Meaning: A great name to give your little one if they were born in the winter months, this Welsh name means snow.
Estelle Origin: Latin, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Eh-stel Meaning: Once an 'old lady' name, Estelle has become more popular in recent years thanks to the resurgence in names ending in -elle. The fact there's a UK rapper who shares the name doesn't hurt its hip credentials either! It simply means star.
Farley Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Far-lee Meaning: A unisex name that simply means a fern clearing.
Fern Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fern Meaning: A popular name in the early 1900s, this nature-inspired name comes from the shade-loving plant. It can also be spelt Fearne as in presenter and writer, Fearne Cotton.
Fiadh Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Fee-a Meaning: Pronounced as Fia, this ancient Irish name means wild.
Fleur Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fl-ur Meaning: The French for flower, this pretty nature name first jumped into popularity when John Galsworthy named one of his characters it in his celebrated collection of books, which began with The Forsyte Saga.
Hadley Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Had-lee Meaning: A rare nature-inspired baby name that means heather field. It was also the name of novellist Ernest Hemingway's first wife.
Hazel Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ha-zul Meaning: Chosen by celebrity parents Emily Blunt and John Krasinski for their first born, Hazel comes form the old English hæsel, which means hazelnut tree.
Heather Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Heh-thuh Meaning: A name that was huge in the '70s and '80s, this nature-inspired baby names come from the name of the evergreen shrub with pink or white flowers that thrives on peaty, barren lands.
Hollis Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Hol-lis Meaning: A funkier version of Holly - and also suitable for the boys - Hollis means dweller at the holly trees.
Honey Origin: Danish, Swedish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hun-ee Meaning: This sweet name means nectar. Presenter and writerFearne Cotton gave her daughter this sweet-sounding name.
Gaia Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Guy-ah Meaning: In Greek mythology, Gaia is the personification of the Earth, so this beautiful nature name means earth mother. Chosen by Emma Thompson and Greg Wise for their daughter.
Ilana Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: I-laan-ah Meaning: This pretty nature name means oak tree and is often chosen in Israel for girls born on the holiday of TuB'Shevat, the New Year of the Trees.
Indira Origin: Sanskrit | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: In-dih-ruh Meaning: In Hindu mythology, Indira is the wife of Vishnu and was also the goddess of rain and the sky, so it's no surprise that this pretty name means possessing drops of rain.
Iris Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: I-rish Meaning: In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow, which is a pretty meaning for a pretty name. It's also the name of a pretty purple flower that blooms in late spring/early summer - so perfect for babies born around then.
Isla Origin: Spanish, Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Eye-la Meaning: Isla is the Spanish word for island. Actress Isla Fisher has helped boost the popularity of the name in recent years.
Jessamine Origin: French, Persian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jess-ah-min Meaning: a truly unique name, Jessamine means jasmine flower. It can also be spelt Jessamyn.
Juniper Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: June-i-per Meaning: A juniper is a small evergreen shrub, but this unisex nature name has roots that go far back to biblical times. There was a male Saint Juniper, who was a follower of St. Francis of Assisi.
Lake Origin: British | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: L-ai-k Meaning: Originally, a surname, lake is the geographical term for an inland body of water. American actress Lake Bell has popularised it as a first name in the last few years, although it can be used for both genders.
Laurel Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lor-ul Meaning: A Latin name that means laurel plant. Traditionally used to weave wreaths and crows, the laurel is synonymous with achievement.
Lavender Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Lav-en-dar Meaning: A pretty floral and colour name, perfect for any nature-loving parents. Lavender flowers are though to represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness.
Lilac Origin: English, Persian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Lie-lac Meaning: The sweet perfumed purple flower makes a great name for a sweet baby girl! Lilacs symbolise spring and renewal because they are early bloomers. In Russia, holding a sprig of lilac over a newborn was thought to bring wisdom.
Lulani Origin: Hawaiian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Lu-lani Meaning: Want something a little bit different to Sky? Then choose the this Hawaiian name that also means sky.
Lumi Origin: Finnish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Loo-mee Meaning: A cute name for snow, this wintry name is perfect for both boys and girls.
Luna Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Loo-na Meaning: The name of the Roman goddess of the moon, Luna is derived straight from the Latin word for moon.
Maren Origin: Latin | Style: Moden | Pronunciation: Mar-in Meaning: A much cooler take on Mary, this nature name means sea or star of the sea.
Marina Origin: Latin | Style: Moden | Pronunciation: Ma-reen-a Meaning: Derived from the Latin word marinus, Marina means from the sea. The name became hugely popular in the mid-30s thanks to the marriage of Princess Marina of Greece to Prince George, Duke of Kent.
Meadow Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Med-oh Meaning: This pretty, summery name literally means a field of grass.
Mimosa Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mi-moh-zuh Meaning: The mimosa is a tree with sweetly scented, bright yellow blossoms and makes an unusual girl's name.
Misty Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mis-tee Meaning: A cute nature name, which means mist. Misty Copeland is an American ballet dancer for the American Ballet Theatre.
Myrtle Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Muh-tl Meaning: Myrtle comes from the plant name Myrtus. Popular during the Victorian era, the plant was often associated with Venus, the greek goddess of love.
Oceana Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Oh-see-ana Meaning: Oceana is the female form of Oceanus, the god of the sea in Greek mythology. It obviously means ocean and is a unique name choice for any sea-loving parents!
Olive Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ol-liv Meaning: A favourite with the A-listers - both Isla Fisher and Drew Barrymore chose this name - Olive has positive associations with an olive branch, which symbolises peace.
Oriane Origin: Latin, French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: O-ri-an Meaning: A beautiful name that simply means sunrise.
Peony Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pee-oh-nee Meaning: The peony is a beautiful flower, which symbolise love, happiness, romance and beauty - so the perfect name to bestow on your little girl. The actual name means healing or praise giving.
Petal Origin: Latin, English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pet-al Meaning: Can't decide on a specific floral name? Then choose this flower-related moniker, which was certainly good enough for Jamie Oliver, who named his daughter Petal Blossom Rainbow in 2009!
Petra Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pet-ra Meaning: A sweet-sounding name with a strong, solid meaning - rock - Petra is a feminine variation on Peter.
Poppy Origin: Latin, English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Pop-ee Meaning: Poppy means red flower and as the official flower of Remembrance Day, which takes place in November, it’s a popular choice for babies born in that month.
Posey Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Poe-see Meaning: One for parents who are looking for flower baby names, Posy literally means a small bunch of flowers. Can also be spelt Posy or Posie.
Plum Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Plum Meaning. This sweet fruit name is an alternative choice to fruity names such as Apple or Peaches.
Primrose Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Prim-rowz Meaning: The name of a flower that comes from Latin – prima rose – meaning first rose, as primroses are one of the first flowers to appear at springtime.
Reva Origin: Hindi | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ray-vah Meaning: Referring to one of the seven sacred rivers of India, this pretty nature name means rain. Reva is also the alternative name of Rati, the Hindu goddess of love.
Rhea Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ray-uh Origin: A Greek goddess known as the mother of Gods, this nature name means flowing stream.
Roisin Origin: Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ro-sheen Meaning: A popular name in Ireland since the 16th Century, this pretty Irish name means little rose.
Rosemary Origin: Latin, English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Rowz-mare-ee Meaning: This herby name comes from Latin words 'Ros' meaning dew, and 'Marinus' meaning of the sea. The herb has become a universal symbol of remembrance.
Saffron Origin: Persian, Arabic | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Saff-ron Meaning: Saffron, the most expensive spice in the world, comes from the saffron crocus. The name has Persian and Arabic origins.
Savannah Origin: Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sa-van-nah Meaning: Savannah means flat tropical grassland.
Selena Origin: Latin, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Suh-lee-nuh Meaning: The Latin version of the Greek name, Selene, means moon goddess or simply moon.
Sierra Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: See-euh-ruh Meaning: A pretty choice with a strong meaning, this Spanish name means saw or mountain range.
Sylvie Origin: French, Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Sil-vee Meaning: This French variation of Sylvia, means from the forest.
Soleil Origin: French, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: So-lay Meaning: The French word for sun, Soleil is a beautiful nature name for the light of your life.
Stella Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Stel-ah Meaning: The perfect name for your little star as it literally means star!
Sunniva Origin: Scandinavian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Soon-eva Meaning: Sunniva, who is the patron saint of western Norway, means sun gift. Sunny would make a bright and shiny nickname for this pretty nature name.
Suvi Origin: Finnish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Soo-vee Meaning: A really unique nature name, Suvi is Finnish for summer so a brilliant name for a little girl born in that season.
Suzette Origin: Hebrew, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Soo-zett Meaning: Susan gets a French makeover - oo, la, la! A retro-sounding name, it means lily flower.
Talia Origin: Hebrew, Aboriginal | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tali-ah Meaning: This is a double whammy of a nature name! The Hebrew meaning is morning dew, while the Aboriginal meaning is near water.
Tamar Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tay-mar Meaning: A name that means date palm tree, it's often given to girls born on the holiday of Sukkoth, as palm branches were used to make the roof of the sukkah. It's also the name of a river - the River Tamar, which forms the boundary between Devon and Cornwall.
Tempest Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tem-pest Meaning: An unusual unisex name, tempest means turbulent or stormy. It's also the name of a William Shakespeare play, set on a remote island somewhere near Italy.
Terra Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ter-uh Meaning: Terra is the Roman earth goddess and equivalent to the Greek Gaia, which explains why this nature name means earth.
Thora Origin: Scandinavian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Thor-ah Meaning: Thora is the feminine variation of the name Thor. It means goddess of thunder and is great choice or parents who are Marvel fans!
Viola Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Vi-oh-lah Meaning: A flower name that's not as obvious as Dasiy or Poppy, this name was inspired by the violet flower. The most current bearer of this name is Oscar-winning actress Viola Davis.
Varsha Origin: Hindi | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Varh-sha Meaning: From Hindi origins, Varsha means rain. A name as pretty as this almost makes you wish for the wet stuff!
Verbena Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ver-been-ah Meaning: Verbena is a herbaceous flowering plant, the name of which comes from the Latin for sacred bough.
Willow Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Will-oh Meaning: This pretty nature names come from the willow tree, which was believed to possess magical powers.
Wisteria Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Wi-steer-ee-uh Meaning: A flower that is seen as a symbol of devotion, this alternative flower name is a great choice if you want your daughter to stand out of the (flower) crowd.
Yvette Origin: French | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ee-vet Meaning: The feminine of Yves, this name means yew tree.
Zinnia Origin: German, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Zin-ee-ah Meaning: Zinnias are super colourful flowers, related to the daisy. The flower was originally named after after an 18th century German botanist called Johann Gottfried Zinn.
Zira Origin: African, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zi-rah Meaning: A character in the Lion King II, this pretty name is of African origin and means moonlight.
Nature inspired baby names for boys
Acorn Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: A-corn Meaning: The literal meaning is fruit of the oak tree, but we love the saying that 'great oaks from little acorns grow', which is exactlly what you wish for when it comes to your little one.
Acker Origin: German, English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Akk-er Meaning: Originally a surname, this nature-inspired boy's name means field or acre.
Adair Origin: Irish, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-dare Meaning: A surname that originated from Edgar, this unusual name means oak tree ford.
Admon Origin: Hebrew | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ad-mon Meaning: Flower names can often be, well too flowery for boys but Admon, which is a red peony flower, has a masculine edge that makes it perfect for your baby boy.
Aegir Origin: Norse | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-geeuh Meaning: As nature baby names go, Aegir was the Norse god of the sea. He was married to the goddess, Rán, who also personified the sea and they had two daughters together who personified waves.
Aeron Origin: Welsh | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ayr-ohn Meaning: It's thought that Aeron was a minor Celtic god of war, but the name actually means berry.
Ainsley Origin: Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Aynz-lee Meaning: While Ainsley Harriott is a super enthusiastic chef, the name actually has nature origins, meaning solitary meadow. Makes a great name for girls as well.
Alder Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Al-dur Meaning: The Alder tree turns orange when it's cut, so it was thought to have mysterious properties. It means old, but even though the name goes back years, it has a very modern feel to it.
Aloe Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: A-low Meaning: A gender-neutral name, it comes from the name of the succulent plant and means resin.
Antonio Origin: Spanish, Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: An-toe-nee-oh Meaning: The Spanish version of Anthony, it was popular with Shakespeare who chose the name for five of his characters. It comes from the Greek word 'anthos', meaning flower.
Apollo Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-pol-low Meaning: Chosen by Mylene Klass for her son, Apollo was the Sun god in Greek mythology.
Arnit Origin: Indian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ar-nit Meaning: Popular in Indian, Arnit has a modern, hippy feeling to it, especially as it means beautiful flower.
Ash Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ash Meaning: As nature baby names go, this is a gender neutral name of English origin, it literally means ash tree.
Aster Origin: Greek, English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Meaning: An unusual unisex name that means star. The Aster is a daisy like flower that has starry-shaped flower heads.
Bay Origin: Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Bay Meaning: Originally used as an English surname, Bay comes from Latin origins and means someone with chestnut or auburn hair.
Basil Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Baz-el Meaning: Is it time for a Basil revival? Once though of as something of a comedy name thanks to Basil Fawlty in Fawlty Towers, it actually has a might meaning - royal or regal.
Ben Origin: Hebrew, Scottish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ben Meaning: A classic name that means son, Ben is also Scottish for hill or mountain, e.g. Ben Nevis
Birk Origin: French, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Burk Meaning: While in French this unique nature name means bright and shining, in Scottish, it means birch tree.
Bram Origin: Hebrew, Dutch, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bram Meaning: The name might be short and sweet but it has many meanings! A popular name in the Netherlands, in Dutch it means father of multitudes. However, in Scotland, its meaning is related to nature, and means bramble, a thicket of wild gorse or raven.
Brick Origin: German, Irish Gaelic, Yiddish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Brik Meaning: The origins to this nature name name is all over the place! In Yiddish the word brik means bridge, while in Slovenia it means dweller from a hilly place. There are also similar sound German and Gaelic words which mean swamp or wood.
Bryn Origin: Welsh | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Brin Meaning: A traditional Welsh name - the most famous Bryn is either Bryn Terfel, the opera singer, or Stacey's Uncle Bryn in sitcom Gavin and Stacey! It means hill.
Bud Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bud Meaning: While the longer version Buddy is possibly more used as a boy's name, Bud is short and sweet. Not only does it mean brother, but it also comes with the symbolism of new growth, just like a bud on a plant.
Calix Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cal-ix Meaning: As nature baby names go, this unusual nature name comes from the Latin word for chalice, calyx, which in turn came from the Ancient Greek word kálux, meaning husk or pod. It can also be spelt Calyx, as in chalice-shaped part of a flower.
Cane Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Keyn Meaning: While this can refer to sugar cane, this sweet-sounding name actually means spear! Can also be spelt Kane or Cain.
Canyon Origin: Spanish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Can-yon Meaning: This geography name from canyons and deep ravines actually means footpath!
Caraway Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ka-ruh-way Meaning: The origins of this surname name go back to Anglo-Saxon times and is derived from the Old English words 'gara', meaning triangular piece of land, and 'weg', meaning path or road. The caraway is also an edible plant, whose seeds are used in cooking.
Carrick Origin: Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ka-ruhk Meaning: A surname name that means rock, a carrick is also a kind of a nautical knot meaning this nature name covers land and sea!
Cosmos Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Kos-mos Meaning: An out of this world nature name, Cosmos originally meant order and world. However, now the word Cosmos means all of creation. A big name but one we're sure your little earth baby can live up to!
Coulter Origin: Scottish, Irish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kowl-tuh Meaning: This unusual boy’s name was originally a Scottish surname and means either back land or a safe place to store cows!
Cove Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kow-v Meaning: As nature baby names go, this is a truly unique nature name, it means small bay. Perfect for both boys and girls.
Clay Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Klay Meaning: Derived from the surname Clayton, Clay means sticky earth or clayworker. A rich, earthy name perfect for nature-loving parents.
Conway Origin: Irish, Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kon-way Meaning: Aname with roots both in Ireland and Wales, Conway means from the holy river or hound of the plain.
Crisanto Origin: Spanish, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cris-an-to Meaning: One for parents who are looking for a name that really stands out, Crisanto means gold flower.
Cypress Origin: Spanish, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Si-press Meaning: A tree name that packs clout, in ancient times Cypress trees were seen as symbols of the heavens, such as immortality and hope.
Cy Origin: Greek, Persian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Si Meaning: A diminutive of Cyrus, this short and sweet name is Persian for sun.
Dale Origin: English | Style: Classic Pronunciation: Dayl Meaning: A unisex name that sadly has fallen out of popularity for boys in more recent years, it means valley.
Danner Origin: German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dan-ner Meaning: Originally a surname, it denoted where someone lived and means dweller near the fig tree or pine tree.
Darragh Origin: Irish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Da-rah Meaning: A traditional name popular in Ireland, it means oak tree. It can also be spelt Daire.
Douglas Origin: Scottish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Duh-gluhs Meaning: The name of an ancient powerful Scottish clan, known for their strength and courage, Douglas means dark water. It's also the name of a tree, the Douglas fir.
Easton Origin: English, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: East-on Meaning: A surname name, in Old English it means east settlement.
Elio Origin: Spanish, Italian, Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ee-lee-ow Meaning: As nature baby names go, this unique nature name is a translation of the name Helios, who was a Greek god of the sun.
Elm Origin: English, German, Norse, Danish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Elm Meaning: A short and sweet tree-related name, it actually means red, brown.
Everest Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ever-rest Meaning: The world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest, provides a really modern-sounding unisex nature name.
Fleet Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Fl-eat Meaning: An ancient name, first recorded before 1000, that comes from Old English flēot, which means bay, estuary or boat.
Flint Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fl-int Meaning: The name of the legendary pirate in Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, Flint means born near an outcrop of flint. Flint is actually a mineral quartz and can be used to start fires.
Ford Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ford Meaning: A strong-sounding name that might have connotations with cars, but actually comes from the Old English for a river crossing.
Forest Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fo-ruhst Meaning: A great name for any nature-loving parents, Forest comes from Old French and literally means woods or woodsman. Can also be spelt Forrest.
Fraser Origin: Scottish, French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fray-zer Meaning: This nature-inspired name means strawberry. Can also be spelt like the TV show, Frasier or with a Z for a more modern feel.
Geo Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gee-oh Meaning: As nature baby names go this is an abbreviation of George, this cute boy’s name means farmer. It was super popular at the end of the 1800s, so perhaps it’s due for a revival now?
Glenn Origin: Irish, Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Glen Meaning: Popular in wartime, thanks to the big band sounds of Glenn Miller, this unisex name means valley.
Hawthorn Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Haw-thorn Meaning: A type of hedge, Hawthorn is a unusual name that will ensure your son stands out from the nature crowd!
Heathcliff Origin: Scottish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Heeth-kliff Meaning: This romantic literary name means (perhaps, not surprisingly?!) heath near a cliff! Heath is another variation and perhaps less of a statement name for some parents.
Hurley Origin: Irish, English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hur-lee Meaning: An Irish and English surname with two very different meanings. The English meaning comes from Old English 'hyrne', which means corner or bend and 'leah', which means wood or clearing. In Irish, it's thought to mean sea tides.
Irving Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Er-ving Meaning: This name, which originated as a Scottish place and surname name, means green river or sea friend.
Jared Origin: Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jar-red Meaning: While many think this Biblical name means descent or ruling, it's also said to be Hebrew for rose. Thanks to the like of Jared Leto, it's seen a huge rise in popularity in recent years.
Jonquil Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Meaning: As nature baby names go, Joinquil is a small, fragrant bulbous plant and looks not too dissimilar to a daffodil. This unisex name means reed.
Kai Origin: Hawiian, Welsh, Frisian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Kye Meaning: A name of many meanings. In Hawaii, it means sea. In Europe, Kai is largely considered to have Frisian origin and means warrior.
Kale Origin: German, Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Kay-el Meaning: If you can't get enough of that super-healthy green leafy vegetable, then perhap this is the name for your son! It means free man.
Knox Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Nox Meaning: This unusual nature name was chosen by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for their son in 2008, however, it's been around since the 13th century as a Scottish surname. It means from the hills or round hill.
Leaf Origin: Scandinavian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Leef Meaning: This nature name derives from the Scandi version Leif, which means heir. As a symbol, a green leaf represents hope, renewal and revival.
Lennox Origin: Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lenn-ux Meaning: This aristocratic Scottish surname, which works for both genders, means elm grove.
Linden Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lin-din Meaning: The Linden tree has been very special in many cultures, symbolising love, fertility, prosperity, fidelity, friendship, peace, justice, altruism and good luck. Hopefully, all these amazing properties will be bestowed upon your little one if you choose this nature name.
Lir Origin: Irish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Leer Meaning: As nature baby names go, Lir was the Irish god of the sea and while this short nature name has been popular in Ireland for many years, it's perhaps time it got some love in the rest of the world!
Malus Origin: Latin, English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mal-us Meaning: Another name for crab apples, parents may be put off this nature name thanks to the Latin meaning of bad or harmful.
Morgan Origin: Welsh | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mor-gan Meaning: This unisex name has a lyrical meaning - sea-born, sea-song or sea-circle.
Moss Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Moss Meaning: Often heard more as a surname (hi there Kate Moss!), this green-nature name goes way back and means descendent of Moses or saviour.
Nalin Origin: Indian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Nah-lin Meaning: This unusual name means lotus. In both Buddhism and the Hinduism, the lotus is symbolic of enlightenment found in difficult situations.
Nevis Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Nev-is Meaning: This cute name has two nature connections! One, thanks to the Scottish mountain, Ben Nevis and the other comes from the small Caribbean island of the same name!
North Origin: English, German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Nor-th Meaning: A unisex name that had a hit of popularity after Kim Kardashian and Kanye West chose it for their daughter, North, this directional name comes from the German word 'nord'.
Oakley Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Oh-klee Meaning: A name for any nature-loving parents, Oakley means meadow of oak trees.
Ocean Origin: English, French, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Oh-shun Meaning: One for water lovers, this name means a large expanse of water.
Oleander Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: O-lee-ann-der Meaning: A pretty Mediterranean shrub, Oleander most likely derives from the Greek word 'rhododendron', which means rose tree.
Owen Origin: Welsh, Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Oh-win Meaning: A classic name that’s become popular once again, Owen means born of the yew or youth.
Perry Origin: English, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Peh-ree Meaning: As nature baby names go, this unisex name means either pear tree or dweller near a pear tree. It’s also the name of the platypus in hit kid’s TV show, Phineas and Ferb.
Pierce Origin: English, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Peerz Meaning; Aside from it being the name of Bond - well Pierce Brosnan - this cool spelling of Piers, means rock.
Rain Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Rey-n Meaning: For all British parents, the wet stuff in the sky is very much a part of life, so why not choose it for your little boy? Make it sound less like a weather forecast by adding an extra n - Rainn.
Reed Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Reed Meaning: The actual meaning of this nature name is red-headed, although it's also a tall plant that grows in marshy waters
Ren Origin: Japanese | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ren Meaning: This cute baby name suitable for a boy or girl means lotus. In Japan, the lotus is the Buddhist symbol of purity and perfection.
Ridley Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Rid-lee Meaning: It's the name of a famous film director - Ridley Scott - and also a small tropical sea turtle, but it actually means reed meadow.
River Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Riv-er Meaning: Actor River Phoenix definitely made this unisex name popular back in the '80s, and this free flowing name still packs a punch today.
Rocky Origin: English, Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Rock-ee Meaning: Perhaps not just for nature-loving parents but also film fans and boxing fans, Rocky is a modern baby name, which comes from the age old Italian name Rocco.
Rowan Origin: Irish, Scottish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Row-un Meaning: As nature baby names go, this lovely nature name – which means rowan tree or little red head – works for both boys and girls.
Rue Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Roo Meaning: Nature baby names are often great for both sexes as seen with this cute unisex name. It means regret, but is also the name of a herb that has medicinal properties.
Sandy Origin: English, Scottish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: San-dee Meaning: This beach-inspired unisex name is actually a diminutive of Alexander or Alexandra. It means defending men.
Samir Origin: Indian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Sah-meer Meaning: As nature baby names go this is a popular name in Indian, Samir - also spelt Sameer - means wind, breeze or gust of air.
Samson Origin: Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Sam-sun Meaning: The name of the legendary Biblical hero who derived his strength from his long hair, Samson means sun. A more modern spelling that is seeing an upturn in popularity is Sampson.
Sky Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sky Meaning: Adding an e at the end of this nature-inspired name makes it slghtly more feminine, but the three-letter variation makes a lovely unique name for both genders.
Spruce Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sproos Meaning: An alternative tree name, Spruce also means neat or dapper.
Sorrel Origin: French | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: So- ruhl Meaning: A colour and nature name in one. It means brownish orange and is often used to describe the colour of a horse. Definitely a name that would help your little one stand out of the crowd.
Stone Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: St-own Meaning: A variant of the English surname Stoney, this rocky name is a strong choice for any little boy.
Terran Origin: Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tare-en Meaning: A super cute name, which means earth man.
Trent Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Tr-eh-nt Meaning: As nature baby names go this could this be a nod towards your waters breaking?! This lovely nature name means gushing waters.
Vernon Origin: French | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ver-non Meaning: Vernon was introduced into England as an aristocratic surname at the time of the Norman conquest. It means alder tree, as well as springlike so is a great choice for a spring-born baby.
Wade Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Wey-d Meaning: This name has Anglo-Saxon origins and means at the river crossing or river ford.
Wilder Origin: English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Wild-er Meaning: A surname name, which has become hugely popular in the States, it means wild or untamed animal.
William Origin: German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Will-ee-uhm Meaning: There’s probably never been a year when this classic name hasn’t been popular – from Shakespeare up until Prince William, it’s been chosen time and time again. It means resolute protection and is also the name of a flower - the Sweet William - which is a symbol of gallantry.
Winter Origin: English | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Win-ter Meaning: This seasonal unisex name is perfect for any Christmas-born baby.
Wyatt Origin: English, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Wy-att Meaning: A name that goes back to the wild, wild west thanks to the famous sheriff Wyatt Earp. The name means brave in war or wood.
Yarrow Origin: English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Yah-row Meaning: As nature baby names go this literally take inspiration from all the great outdoors, including herbs. Yarrow is a herb that grows in the wild and has long been used for its medicinal properties. It's also the name of a Scottish stream.
Zephyr Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Zef-er Meaning: A light and breezy name, Zephyrus or Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind – which is what this unusual nature name means.
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With over 24 years’ experience in journalism, she’s written about a variety of subjects and is just as at home interviewing A-list stars as she is testing nappies. Having started her career writing about Pokémon, ponies and wrestling, Jayne moved into the world of film journalism, where she spent the next eight years pinching herself while she got paid to interview Hollywood film stars and attend premieres. Since then, she’s launched websites for major magazines, worked with top brands such as Westfield, LK Bennett and Hunter, and had her own tech column in Women’s Own.
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