Italian baby names: 150+ choices for boys & girls 2022
Italian baby names are Bellisima!

Italian baby names are full of romance, and many go back centuries so are the perfect choice if you’re looking for a name that stands out from the crowd.
Many Italian baby names sound beautiful and exotic, so it’s no surprise that they top the most popular baby name lists. Names such as Luna and Matteo are up there. Though, if these don't float your boat, try some unique baby names, or any option from the best unisex baby names list.
Many celebrities have jumped on the Italian baby names trend. Jessica Chastain called her first born Giulietta. While Felicity Huffman chose the beautiful name Sofia for her daughter. And Love Actually star Colin Firth named his son Matteo; the Italian version of Matthew. On the most popular US baby names list Isabella and Sophia are going strong in the top 10.
Top ten Italian names for girls
- Alegria
- Elisa
- Flavia
- Gia
- Heroica
- Lauretta
- Mirabella
- Renata
- Sistine
- Vivia
Top ten Italian names for boys
- Arturo
- Bruno
- Cassio
- Ciro
- Gabriele
- Luca
- Maso
- Rocco
- Vito
- Zacheo
The variation of UK baby names comes from many international influences, Lars B. Andersen, Managing Director at My Nametags, tells us.
He adds, “We see thousands of different names and variations every day... and our analysis reveals that UK parents take broad inspiration from across Europe and the rest of the world. For example, the name Sophie originates from France, but is inspired by the older Greek name, Sophia."
Whether you want to go with an Italian baby name because you have a connection to the country or you just fancy a different baby name, we’ve found a list of true Italian baby names, including their pronunciation.
Italian baby names for boys
Alessandro Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ah-luh-sawn-dro Meaning: As Italian baby names go, this is one of the most popular boy's names in Italy, Alessandro means warrior or protector of the people.
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Alessio Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ah-less-ee-oh Meaning: This Italian version of Alexi - and a more more modern version of the popular Italian baby name Alessandro - it means defender.
Alfredo Origin: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese | Style: Classic |Pronunciation: Al-fray-dow Meaning: As Italian baby names go this one ensures you have a Christmas elf all year round with this cute name that means elf or magical counsel.
Alvar Origin: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ahl-vahr Meaning: This name, which suits both boys and girls, means elf warrior.
Amadeo Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ah-mah-day-oh Meaning: The middle name of the composer Mozart, this musical name means lover of God.
Antonio Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: An-toh-nee-oh Meaning: A favourite name of Shakespeare's - he had characters named Antonio in five of his plays - this Italian version of Antonio means from Antium. It's also thought to have been a Roman surname, which means priceless.
Armani Origin: Italian, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ar-manh-ee Meaning: Originally an Italian surname, made super famous by fashion designer Georgio Armani, this Italian name is now used for both boys and girls as a first name. It means child of Armano or warrior.
Arturo Origin: Celtic, Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ahr-too-ro Meaning: The Italian version of the name Arthur, the name comes from the Celtic words artos, meaning bear, and arturos, meaning pure so combine to mean strong or pure as a bear!
Beppe Origin: Celtic, Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bep-pey Meaning: While many Italian baby names are lengthy, there are some that are short and sweet - like Beppe, which is a nickname derived from Giuseppe and means the Lord increases.
Bosco Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Boss-co Meaning: The Italian saint John Bosco is the patron saint of apprentices, editors and publishers, schoolchildren, magicians, and juvenile delinquents - what a list! It was a name given for someone who lived or worked in a wood.
Bruno Origin: Italian, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Broo-noh Meaning: Currently enjoying a resurgence thanks to Disney's Encanto and the chart-topping song 'We Don't Talk About Bruno', this popular Italian name actually has German origins. It means brown.
Brando Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bran-doh Meaning: An Italian name that comes with a whole heap of cool thanks to the actor Marlon Brando, it means firebrand or sword.
Carlo Origin: Italian, Spanish, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Karl-oh Meaning: The Italian version of Charles, this boy's name means man or free man.
Carmine Origin: Italian, Spanish, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Kahr-mee-neh Meaning: The Italian version of the Spanish name Carmen, both names derive from the Latin word 'carmen' for song.
Cassio Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cas-see-oh Meaning: Cassio was Othello's young, good-looking lieutenant. This Italian version of Cassius, which has a musical connection thanks to the keyboards, means hollow.
Cataldo Origin: Italian, Irish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ka-tal-doh Meaning: Originally a surname from Sicily, this unusual baby name means old. It was first popularised in the Middle Ages by an Irish monk!
Ciro Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Cee-roh Meaning: This unique baby name is the Spanish and Italian version of Cyrus and has a dazzling meaning - sun!
Claudio Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Claw-dee-oh Meaning: It may mean lame, but this name is anything but! Claudio featured in two Shakespeare plays, and the Roman name Claudius was the moniker of one of the most successful Roman emperors ever as he conquered Britain.
Dario Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dah-ree-oh Meaning: We all want to bestow goodness on your little one, which you can with this name as it means possessing goodness.
Davide Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dah-vee-day Meaning: Even bog-standard English names sound great with an Italian makeover! Making David sound that little bit more glam, it means beloved.
Dino Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dee-no Meaning: As Italian baby names go this is a derivative of Dean, it's often used in Italy as a nickname for those longer names that end in -dino such as Bernardino. It means little sword.
Domenico Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Do-men-ico Meaning: An Italian version of Dominic, it means belonging to the Lord. A classic name with a fashion edge thanks to designer Domenico Dolce, cofounder of Dolce & Gabbana.
Edoardo Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Eh-dwar-doe Meaning: A name that is constantly in the top ten popular names in Italy, Edoardo means guardian of the property.
Elio Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Eh-lee-o Meaning: A popular name in Italy, Spain and France, Elio means sun.
Ennio Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Eh-nee-oh Meaning: Chosen by musician Example for his son, this cute Italian baby name means destined.
Enzo Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: En-zo Meaning: A luxurious name thanks to the associations with Enzo Ferrari, this short and sweet name is popular in its native Italy. Derived from Henry, it means home ruler.
Federico Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fed-er-ee-koh Meaning: An Italian version of Frederick, this classic name means peaceful ruler.
Francesco Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Frahn-ches-ko Meaning: This Italian name is a popular choice, especially in recent years thanks to Pope Francis. It means Frenchman or free man.
Gabriele Origin: Italian, Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Gab-ree-ell-eh Meaning: A unisex name, which is a variant of Gabriel. It's taken from the Hebrew name Gavri’el that means God is my strength.
Galileo Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ga-li-leh-ow Meaning: The name of the great Renaissance astronomer and mathematician, this unique name means from Galilee. Alex James from Blur chose this unique baby name for one of his sons.
Gennaro Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Je-nah-row Meaning: The name of the patron saint of Naples, Gennaro means January so is perfect for any little boy born in that month.
Giacomo Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jahk-oh-moh Meaning: Chosen by Sting for his youngest son, Giacomo may be hard to pronounce but it's truly unique and means supplanter.
Gino Origin: Italian, Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jee-no Meaning: A diminutive of Eugenio, this cute Italian name means well born or noble. And if Gino D'Acampo is anything to go by, they may also turn out to be a good chef as well!
Gioele Origin: Italian, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jh-ow-l Meaning: A name that continues to hit the top 50 names in Italy, Gioele is the Italian version of Joel and is pronounced that way. It means Jehovah is his God.
Giorgio Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jor-gee-oh Meaning: It's George, but with an Italian flair! Despite Mr Armani giving this name a fashion twist, it actually means farmer.
Giovanni Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gio-van-ni Meaning: Could there be any more of an Italian name? This gorgeous name is an Italian version of John and means God is gracious.
Giulio Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Joo-lee-oh Meaning: An Italian variation on Julius, it means youthful or downy-bearded.
Giuseppe Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jeh-sep-ee Meaning: Derived from Joseph, which means the Lord increases, this name is a popular choice for boys in Italy.
Jacopo Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ya-ko-po Meaning: This Italian name is a perkier variation of Joseph and means supplanter.
Leonardo Origin: Italian, Spanish, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lee-oh-nahr-doh Meaning: From Leonardo da Vinci to Leonardo DiCaprio, this is one Italian name that stands the test of time. It means brave lion.
Lorenzo Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lo-ren-tzo Meaning: Lawrence gets an Italian makeover with this cool name. Meaning from Laurentium, which was an ancient Roman city, it goes way back to 313 A.D.
Luca Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Loo-kuh Meaning: An Italian variation of Luke and Lucas, Luca means man from Lucania, an historical region in Southern Italy. Colin Firth chose Luca for his first son with ex-wife Livia Giuggioli.
Luigi Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Luw-wee-jhiy Meaning: Luigi means renowned warrior and is the Italian version of Louis.
Marco Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mar-koh Meaning: This Italian name comes from the Roman god of war, Mars. A longer version is Marciano.
Mario Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mar-ee-oh Meaning: Yes, it may be the name of a video game plumber, but this Italian version of Marius has a more out-of-this-world meaning - Mars!
Marteli Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mar-tell-ee Meaning: An occupational surname meaning hammer, originally men in Italy would carry this name if they were carpenters or worked in some kind of construction.
Maso Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ma-so Meaning: A diminutive of Tomasso, this cute boy's name means twin.
Matteo Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mat-tayo Meaning: This Italian version of Matthew means gift of God.
Mattia Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mat-tee-uh Meaning: This Italian name shares roots with Matthias and Matthew and means gift of God.
Montel Origin: English, Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mon-tell Meaning: Some believe Montel is a modern invented name, others say it comes from Italy and means mountain.
Neri Origin: Italian, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nare-ee Meaning: A Tuscan variation of Ranieri, this Italian baby name may sound cute but it has a tough edge thanks to its meaning of deciding warrior.
Nevio Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nee-vee-oh Meaning: The Italian form of the Roman family name, Naevius, this boy's name means mole, the one with the birthmark or new.
Nico Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nee-koe Meaning: The Italian version of Nicholas, it means victory of the people.
Orlando Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Or-lan-doh Meaning: Previously only seen as an old-fashioned literary name thanks to Orlando in Shakespeare's As You Like It, actor Orlando Bloom has made this seen a more modern option for parents today. This Italian version of Roland means famous throughout the land.
Paolo Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pow-loh Meaning: It's time to ditch Paul and choose something much more Italian instead! Meaning small, famous bearers of this name include the singer/songwriting Paolo Nutini and Paolo Gucci, credited with helping to design the famous GG logo.
Pietro Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Pee-eh-tro Meaning: This Italian version of Peter is popular in South America as well as Italy. It means rock.
Raffaele Origin: Italian, Hebrew | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Raf-fi-elly Meaning: This Italian version of the Hebrew name Raphael means God has healed. Choosing this Italian alternative lends itself nicely to the nickname Raffy.
Renzo Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ren-zo Meaning: This Italian name gives the classic name Lorenzo a modern twist. It means from Laurentium, which was an ancient Roman city.
Riccardo Origin: Italian, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Rih-kar-do Meaning: This means brave, powerful or great leader. A popular name in Italy for years, it was the name of a modern Saint - Riccardo Pampuri - who died in 1930.
Rocco Origin: Italian, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Rock-o Meaning: Somewhat of an old-fashioned name until Madonna chose it for her son with Guy Ritchie, it means edge.
Romeo Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Modern | Rome-ee-oh Meaning: From the Latin Romaeus, this Italian name means a pilgrim to Rome, from Rome or a Roman. Undoubtedly the most famous Romeo was the star-crossed lover featured in Shakespeare's classic play, Romeo and Juliet. However Romeo Beckham has given the name a new surge of popularity in recent years.
Salvatore Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Sal-vuh-tor-ey Meaning: An Italian name that's been popular in the US for years, it means saviour.
Sergio Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ser-ge-oh Meaning: A boy's name with a little bit of swagger, it derives from the Roman surname Sergius - it means to serve, servant.
Silvio Origin: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Sil-vee-yoh Meaning: If you've looking for an Italian name that also references nature, you've found it! Silvio means wood forest.
Stefano Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Stef-ah-no Meaning: Another classic name gets an Italian makeover! This version of Steve means garland or crown.
Tommaso Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Toe-mah-so Meaning: Making Thomas ever so chi chi, this Italian boy's name means twin, so perfect if you're expecting double trouble!
Tullio Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Too-lee-oh Meaning: Tullio means flood, peaceful or hill. It comes from the Roman surname Tullius and was the middle name of the 6th century king and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero.
Umberto Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Oom-bair-toe Meaning: You may be familiar with this name on the side of a can of hairspray! Umberto Giannini
Valente Origin: Portuguese, Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Va-len-tay Meaning: This pretty-sounding name means valiant.
Valentino Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Val-un-tee-no Meaning: Want a name that screams glamour? Then look no further than Valentino. Also the surname of the silent actor Rudolph and the first name for the fashion designer. Its meaning, which belies its glitzy exterior, is strength or health.
Vigo Origin: Italian, Spanish, Scandinavian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Vee-go Meaning: An Italian surname and a Scandinavian first name, Vigo is full of energy! It means settlement.
Vincenzo Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Vin-chen-zoe Meaning: Consistently a top ten most popular name in Italy, Vincenzo is the Italian version of Vincent. Derived from Latin word 'vincens' it means to conquer or to win.
Vito Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Vee-to Meaning: A fabulous Italian name that literally means life.
Zacheo Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tza-kay-oh Meaning: Looking for a standout name, then this Italian boy's name fits the bill. An alternative to Zachary, it means the Lord has remembered.
Italian baby names for girls
Adelina Origin: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Slavic | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ah-duh-lee-nuh Meaning: This vintage name means noble or nobility. Can be shortened to Addie, which is also super cute.
Alegria Origin: Latin, Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-leg-gria Meaning: This gorgeous Italian-derived name means joyous or cheerful.
Alessia Origin: Latin, Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ah-less-ee-uh Meaning: Many Italian baby names sound pretty, but have strong meanings. This is certainly the case for Alessia, which means defender.
Angelina Origin: Spanish, Italian, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: An-jel-ina Meaning: A diminutive form of Angela, which is derived from the Greek 'angelos', which means messenger of God.
Aria Origin: Italian, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ahr-ee-a Meaning: A saint’s name with many meanings. In Italian it is a musical term from the 18th century that means air or tune, while in Hebrew it means lioness.
Arianna Origin: Italian, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ar-ee-ah-nuh Meaning: This Italian name means most holy. It can also be spelt as Ariana as in the pop star, Ariana Grande.
Aurora Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Boho |Pronunciation: Uh-raw-rah Meaning: Aurora was the Roman goddess of morning. And this pretty name means dawn or sunrise. An aurora also refers to the natural light display seen in high-latitude regions such as Alaska, Canada and Finland.
Avena Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ah-vay-nuh Meaning: Originally used for grain growers from Avena, an area in Southern Italy.
Bambi Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Bam-bee Meaning: Short for Italian girl's name Bambina, which means baby girl, it's a name that most of us probably associate with that super cute Disney deer!
Bella Origin: Latin, Italian |Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bell-uh Meaning: This popular baby name comes from the Italian word for 'bella', meaning beautiful.
Benedetta Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ben-eh-det-uh Meaning: A variant of the Latin name Benedicta, it means blessed.
Bianca Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Bee-an-ca Meaning: Bianca is the feminine noun for the colour white in Italian
Carlotta Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kar-lot-uh Meaning: An Italian spin on Charlotte, this baby name means free.
Carina Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ka-reen-ah Meaning: Italian for dear little one, Carina was the name of a 4th century saint and martyr. It's also the name of a constellation, which contains the second brightest start in the universe.
Caterina Origin: Italian, Spanish, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kat-er-ee-nuh Meaning: Looking to give Catherine a twist? Then this Italian baby name does just that. It's derived from the ancient Greek name Ekaterine and means pure.
Chiara Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Key-aah-rah Meaning: A romantic-sounding name, Chiara means light and clear.
Donna Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Donn-uh Meaning: A classic name, which means lady of the home, a title of respect in Italy.
Donatella Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Donna-tella Meaning: Donatella means given by God. Choose this name for your little one to give her an extra dose of style a la Donatella Versace.
Drusilla Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Droo-sill-uh Meaning: A lovely nature name - it means dew or fruitful - it comes from the Roman 'drusus'.
Dulce Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Dool-chay Meaning: An Italian baby name that means sweet - perfect for your sweet baby. The more English version is spelt Dulcie.
Elena Origin: Italian, Spanish, Greek, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: E-lay-nah Meaning: Greek variation of Helen, which means bright, shining light.
Elisa Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Eh-lee-sah Meaning: A diminutive of Elizabeth, it means pledged to God.
Emilia Origin: Italian, Spanish, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Em-mee-lia Meaning: An old-fashioned name that's having a resurgence thanks to the likes of actresses Emilia Fox and Clarke, it means rival.
Fiamma Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fyah-muh Meaning: With a name that means flame or little fiery one, your baby girl is bound to be a fighter!
Fiorella Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fee-or-ella Meaning: A pretty flower name, Fiorella derives from the Latin word ‘flos’ and means little flower.
Flavia Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Flav-ee-ah Meaning: Originally an ancient Roman clan name, Flavia is beginning to gain in popularity in Italy. It has Latin roots, which mean golden or blonde.
Francesca Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Frahn-ches-kah Meaning: A more modern sounding-take on Frances, Francesca means from France or free man. It's one of the most popular names in Italy, ranking in the top 30.
Gabriella Origin: Italian, Spanish, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Gab-ree-ella Meaning: A pretty Italian name, which means God is my strength, it comes from the Hebrew name Gabriel.
Gemma Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jem-uh Meaning: Saint Gemma was an Italian saint; Gemma was originally an Italian nickname for a precious gem. Can also be spelt Jemma.
Gia Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gia Meaning: A shortened version of Gianna, this Italian name means God is gracious.
Giada Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jah-duh Meaning: A gemstone name with an Italian twist, Giada means jade.
Giacinta Origin: Italian, Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Jee-ah-seen-tah Meaning: A flower name with an Italian edge, this charming name means hyacinth. Another version is Yachintha.
Gina Origin: Italian, Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gee-nah Meaning: A right royal choice, Gina means queen. Fifties pin-up Gina Lollobrigida gave this name a boost back in the day.
Ginevra Origin: Italian, Welsh | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Gin-nev-rah Meaning: Ginevra - which means white shadow, white wave - is the Italian variation of Guinevere, who was the wife of King Arthur.
Gioia Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Joy-a Meaning: Could there be a better name than this for your bundle of joy? After all, it literally means joy!
Giulietta Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jhuw-lee-etta Meaning: Chosen by actress Jessica Chastain for her first child with Italian Gian Luca Passi de Preposulo. This pretty name means youthful or sky father.
Heroica Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hero-ica Meaning: Give your little girl a bold name that will make her courageous - this Italian name means heroic.
Ilaria Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: I-la-ria Meaning: As Italian baby names go, this brings Hilary bang up-to-date, Illaria means cheerful or happy.
Isabella Origin: Hebrew, Spanish, Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ees-uh-bell-uh Meaning: This Spanish and Italian variation of Elizabeth, which originated in the Middle Ages, means pledged to God.
Lauretta Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Lau-ret-ta Meaning: Related to Laura, this pretty name has a pretty meaning - laurel or bay tree.
Lelia Origin: Italian, Latin| Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Leel-ya Meaning: A variation an ancient Roman family name, Leila means night.
Letizia Origin: Italian, Latin| Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lat-teet-zee-ah Meaning: This pretty Latin variation of Letitia means gladness, which there will be plenty of when your little girl is born.
Lia Origin: Italian, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lee-uh Meaning: The Italian variation of Leah, which is Hebrew for weary or bringer of good news.
Livia Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Liv-ee-uh Meaning: Originally the name of the powerful wife of the Emperor Augustus, this Italian version of Olivia means blue or envious.
Ludovica Origin: Italian, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Loo-do-vee-kuh Meaning: A hugely popular name in Italy. Ludovica is a feminine version of Louis. Meaning famous in war, it lends itself to very cute nicknames like Lulu.
Luisa Origin: Italian, Spanish,German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Loo-ee-suh Meaning: As with many Italian baby names, this pretty name is actually derived from a German name - in this case, Ludwig. It means famous battle. Italian composer Verdi also was also inspired by this name for his opera Luisa Miller.
Luna Origin: Italian, Spanish, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Loo-na Meaning: The name of the Roman goddess of the moon, Luna is derived straight from the Latin word for moon. Chosen by Chrissy Teigen and singer John Legend for their daughter.
Maina Origin: Italian, African, Indian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: May-nah Meaning: As Italian baby names go, this name is a mix of cultural influences. Maina was originally an Italian surname for those people who lived in the Italian alps. It means rebellion.
Margherita Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Marg-ur-ee-tuh Meaning: A variant of Margaret - and not the pizza - this pretty Italian name means pearl.
Martina Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mar-teena Meaning: Popular in both Italy and Spain. Martina comes from the Roman god of Mars. St. Martina is a patron saint of Rome.
Massima Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mas-si-ma Meaning: A cute Italian baby name that means the greatest - no pressure there then!
Mia Origin: Italian, Scandinavian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mee-uh Meaning: Mia means mine and is often used a nickname for girl’s names Amelia, Emilia, and Miriam.
Milana Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mill-ah-nah Meaning: Want to pay homage to the fashion capital of Italy? Then choose this unusual girl's name, which means from Milan.
Mirabella Origin: Italian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mir-a-bellah Meaning: Bored of Isabella? Then why not plump for this gorgeous Italian name, which means wonderful.
Neroli Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: N-row-lee Meaning: An essential oil used frequently in perfume. Taken from the bitter orange tree, orange is a colour associated with joy and sunshine!
Noemi Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: No-em-ee Meaning: As Italian baby names go, this is a super cute meaning for any baby. Noemi means my delight. It's the Italian and Spanish version of Naomi.
Orazia Origin: Italian, Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Or-raze-ea Meaning: A female version of Horace, this unusual Sicilian name means timekeeper.
Oriana Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Or-ee-ana Meaning: A pretty Italian name that goes back to medieval times. It has lots of literary connections, including Tennyson's poem called The Ballad of Oriana. It means dawn.
Ornella Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Or-nel-ah Meaning: A pretty Italian girl's name which means flowering ash tree.
Orsa Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Or-sah Meaning: An Italian variation of Ursula, this short and sweet name means little she-bear.
Pamina Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Pah-mee-nuh Meaning: Forget Pam, we're all about Pamina - especially as it has the cutest meaning, little honey.
Raffaella Origin: Italian, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Raf-ay-ell-uh Meaning: An Italian name that means god heals, Raffaella is the Italian form of the name Raphaela.
Renata Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ren-ah-ta Meaning: With origins in the Latin 'renatus', this Italian baby name means reborn.
Roma Origin: Italian, Hindu | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Roh-ma Meaning: An alternative place name to Florence, Roma is also a Hindu name meaning one with shiny hair.
Romelia Origin: Italian, German | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ro-mee-lee-ah Meaning: A name with roots in both Germany and Italy. Possibly derived from the Germanic name Romilda, which means famous battle. However, it also has connections to the Roman given name Romanus, meaning from Rome.
Santuzza Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: San-tuu-zah Meaning: Italian baby names from Sicily often end in -uzza as seen by this Sicilian version of girl's name Santa. It means holy, blessed or saintly.
Saverina Origin: Italian, German | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sav-er-rina Meaning: Saverina comes from Sicily and is the feminine form of Xavier. It means the new house.
Serafina Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Cera-feena Meaning: The seraphim were an order of angels. Described by Isaiah in the Bible as having six wings each. It means fiery. Can also be spelt Seraphina.
Serena Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Suh-ree-nuh Meaning: The name of an early Chrisitan saint, Serena is derived from the Latin 'serenus', meaning calm or serene.
Serenella Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Se-ren-ella Meaning: An Italian variant of Serena, this pretty girl's name isn't that popular outside of Italy. Another bonus is that it comes with the calm meaning of serene.
Sienna Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: See-ennah Meaning: This pretty colour name comes from the name of the iron-rich clay – a burnt red shade – in the Italian city, Siena. It’s seen a surge in popularity in recent years thanks to the actress Sienna Miller - even Princess Beatrice chose this pretty Italian baby name for her first born.
Sistine Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sis-teen Meaning: This pretty Italian name, chosen by Sylvester Stallone for his daughter, comes from the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Michelangelo painted the ceiling in the chapel in the early 1500s, so this would make a perfect choice for any artistic parents out there.
Sofia Origin: Italian, Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: So-fee-ah Meaning: The number one girl's name in Italy, Sofia comes from the Greek word for wisdom.
Stefani Origin: Italian, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Stef-an-ee Meaning: As Italian baby names go this Italian version of Stephanie is A-list material - it's Lady Gaga's real name and means garland or crown.
Terza Origin: Italian | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tair-tza Meaning: If you're expecting baby number three, Terza makes a great choice as it simply means third.
Tosca Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tos-kah Meaning: The name of an opera by Puccini makes this Italian name a great choice for music lovers. It means from Tuscany.
Veru Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ve-roo Meaning: This Sicilian version of Veronica feels really modern. It means true image.
Viola Origin: Italian, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Vi-oh-lah Meaning: A flower name that's not as obvious as Dasiy or Poppy. This name was inspired by the violet flower. While this isn't as popular in the UK and USA as other flower names, it is a common name in Italy.
Vittora Origin: Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Vee-tor-yuh Meaning: A name means victory and triumphant. This Italian version of Victoria is a powerful choice for your baby girl.
Vivia Origin: Italian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Vih-vee-ah Meaning: A more modern version of Vivian, this pretty girl's name means life.
With over 24 years’ experience in journalism, she’s written about a variety of subjects and is just as at home interviewing A-list stars as she is testing nappies. Having started her career writing about Pokémon, ponies and wrestling, Jayne moved into the world of film journalism, where she spent the next eight years pinching herself while she got paid to interview Hollywood film stars and attend premieres. Since then, she’s launched websites for major magazines, worked with top brands such as Westfield, LK Bennett and Hunter, and had her own tech column in Women’s Own.
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