Greek baby names: 150+ choices for girls & boys 2022

Greek baby names are beautiful and full of history, culture, and meaning from a place that is known for its beauty, architecture, food, and traditions.
Though if Greek's not your style try choosing one from the most popular baby name lists, or something from the unique baby names list maybe? And then you also have options from the best unisex baby names list too.
While there are the classic Greek-inspired baby names such as Catherine, Zoe, Andrew and Alexander, there’s also been a nod towards the more authentic Greek baby names, especially those that relate to the Greek gods and goddesses, such as Aphrodite, Selene or Damon.
Top ten Greek baby names for girls
- Adrasteia
- Callista
- Daphne
- Georgia
- Hermione
- Ophelia
- Phoebe
- Sophia
- Thalia
- Zoe
Top ten Greek baby names for boys
- Alexander
- Balthazar
- Christopher
- Gene
- Hector
- Indigo
- Jude
- Sebastian
- Theodore
- Xander
If your drawn to Greek baby names, you're not alone. One mum, Ellen, tells us she loves them as they are unique but also have some fantastic meanings. “I've always loved myths and fairy tales so I think that's why Greek baby names were top of my list,” she said.
“There are some really pretty names out there for girls, but they also come with such strength - a lot of these goddesses were real warriors! I called my little girl Athena in the end as she was a truly mighty goddess!"
She continued: "I’m now pregnant with a little boy and am going to choose a Greek name for him as well, as I think it’s so fabulous to have such a great story behind your name” If you’ve feel inspired and want to give your baby girl or boy a Greek name, we’ve rounded up some of the most popular - as well as the more unusual ones – to help you choose.
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Greek baby names for girls
Adrasteia Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Aa-dhraa-stea Meaning: Adrasteia was originally a Phrygian mountain goddess and this unusual Greek baby name means inescapable.
Alexandra Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: A-leks-an-dra Meaning: It's a name with rock and roll approval as Keith Richards chose this for one of his daughters. The female version of Alexander, it means defending men.
Alondra Origin: Greek, Spanish | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: A-lond-ra Meaning: A Spanish diminutive of Alexandra, this pretty Greek baby name means lark.
Amaranth Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Am-uh-ranth Meaning: Amaranth is a seed, a bit like quinoa. It was revered by the Aztecs and Incas, who believed that it had supernatural powers.
Anemone Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-nem-oh-nee Meaning: A pretty floral name, it means daughter of the wind.
Angel Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ayn-jel Meaning: No Christmas tree would be complete without an angel at the top so this angelic name would be good for any Christmas-born baby. It means divine messenger.
Angelina Origin: Spanish, Italian, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: An-jel-ina Meaning: A diminutive form of Angela, derived from the Greek angelos, which means messenger of God.
Anthea Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: An-thee-ah Meaning: Antheas are pale yellow flowers that are known to attract butterflies, so it's no surprise that this pretty name means flowery. Anthea was another name for the Greek Goddess Hera, the goddess of women, marriage and childbirth.
Amaryllis Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Am-ah-rill-iss Meaning: A flower commonly associated with Christmas, it means fresh and sparkling.
Aphrodite Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Af-ruh-die-tee Meaning: Aphrodite was the mother of Eros and was the Greek goddess of love. Her Roman equivalent Venus, has become more used for modern baby girls so perhaps it's Aphrodite's turn next!
Ariadne Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: A-ree-ad-nee Meaning: Ariadne was the Cretan goddess of fertility and means most holy. Can be abbreviated to the very modern-sounding Ari.
Astraea Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ast-tray-ah Meaning: Astraea was the Greek goddess of justice, who became the constellation Virgo. This pretty Greek name means star.
Athena Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ah-thee-nah Meaning: If you want to give your baby girl a Greek name that's truly mighty, choose this one. In Greek mythology, Athena was born fully grown and wearing armour - go girl! She was the goddess of the wisdom, wisdom, warfare, the arts, mathematics, and courage, to name a few, and she was so revered that Athens was even named after her. The name is derived from 'ath' which means sharp, and 'aine', meaning praise.
Atlanta Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: At-lan-tah Meaning: Atlanta is a variant of the Greek name Atalanta, who was a speedy young woman who refused to marry men who lost to her in a race! It means secure and immovable.
Berenice Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Buhr-nees Meaning: Berenice was the name of the wife of Ptolemy I of Egypt and was also the moniker of a fourth century saint. It means she who brings victory or queen. Sweet nicknames for this Greek baby name are Bernie, Berry, Binnie and Bunny.
Calandra Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Cal-an-drah Meaning: A pretty Greek name that means singing bird or skylark.
Calliope Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ka-lee-oh-pee Meaning: Known as the muse of poetry and eloquence, Calliope was considered the master - or mistress! - of all muses. It means beautiful voice.
Callista Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Call-i-sta Meaning: A gorgeous name for your gorgeous baby, it means most beautiful. First put into the spotlight by Ally McBeal star Callista Flockhart.
Calypso Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Cal-ip-soh Meaning: A Greek name with a tropical feeling! in Greek mythology, Calypso was an island nymph and means she who hides.
Cassiopeia Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Kass-ee-oh-pee-uh Meaning: Cassiopeia was a queen in ancient Greek mythology and it’s her regal name that was given to the constellation of stars in the northern sky.
Cassandra Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cass-an-dra Meaning: Cassandra was the daughter of the King and Queen of Troy, who was cursed to utter true prophecies but never to be believed - a strange gift from Apollo who was dazzled by her beauty. It means to shine.
Chloe Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Klow-ee Meaning: A lovely spring-time name, Chloe means young green shoot. Chloe was also an important figure in Greek mythology - it was the alternative name for the goddess of agriculture and fertility, Demeter.
Cinnamon Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sin-a-mon Meaning: Add a little spice into your baby girl's life by giving her this tasty name!
Circe Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Sir-see Meaning: In Greek mythology, Circe, the daughter of Helios, was a sorceress who could turn men into animals with her magic wand! It means bird.
Clio Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Clee-oh Meaning: Clio, the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, was the Greek muse of historic poetry. This pretty Greek baby name means to celebrate.
Cora Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kor-rah Meaning: Cora was another name for the goddess of fertility and the underworld, Persephone. It means daughter or maiden.
Cynthia Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Sin-thee-uh Meaning: Cynthia is an epithet for Artemis or Diana and means moon goddess or woman from Kynthos. Can be shortened to Cindy, Cyndi or Cyndy.
Daphne Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Daf-nee Meaning: Daphne was the daughter of Peneus, the god of rivers, yet the name means a laurel or bay tree. A vintage-sounding name, it's seen a huge rise in popularity in the last year thanks to the lead heroine in Bridgerton bearing the name.
Delphine Origin: French, Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Del-feen Meaning: This name that means dolphin, originally comes from the Greek town of Delphi, which the Greeks believe was the earth’s womb – with the dolphin’s shape representing that of a pregnant woman.
Delta Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Del-tah Meaning: The fourth letter of the Greek alphabet creates this very stylish name shared by Aussie singer and actress, Delta Goodrem.
Demi Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Deh-mee Meaning: The diminutive of Demetria, this Greek name has celebrity connections thanks to actress Demi Moore and singer Demi Lovato. It means half.
Dido Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Di-do Meaning: In Virgil's Aeneid, Dido is the queen of Carthage who falls in love with the wandering Aeneas. It's also the name of Noughties singer-songwriter Dido and means obscure.
Dione Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Dy-oh-nee Meaning: In Greek mythology, Dione was the mother of Aphrodite by Zeus, although some writers have also said she was the mother of Dionysus. Regardless, it has a divine meaning - divine queen.
Elena Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: E-lay-nah Meaning: Greek variation of Helen, which means bright, shining light.
Eudora Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Yoo-dawr-uh Meaning: Eudora was a sea nymph associated with sailing and a good catch. It means generous gift.
Eula Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Yoo-luh Meaning: A diminutive of another unique name, Eulalia, it means sweetly speaking.
Euphrasia Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Eu-fray-sia Meaning: Euphrasia is a flowering plant, which is often used to treat eye infections. It means good cheer.
Evangeline Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Eh-van-je-leen Meaning: A gorgeous old-fashioned name that's ripe for a return to popularity, especially as it's so positive. It means good news - and that newborn baby certainly is that!
Gaia Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Guy-ah Meaning: Chosen by Emma Thompson for her daughter, this gorgeous Greek name means earth mother. Gaia was the goddess of Earth and was considered the creator of the earth and the universe.
Georgia Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Meaning: The female version of George, it means farmer. Harry Connick Jnr and Felicity Huffman have both chosen the name, which can also be spelt in the very modern way Jorja.
Halo Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Hay-lo Meaning: Whether Halo conjures up Christmas angels or a Beyonce song, it's definitely a name that will make your little angel stand out of the crowd. It means divine aura.
Harmonia Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Har-moh-nee-uh Meaning: Harmonia was the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. This musical-sounding name means harmony.
Helen Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hel-uhn Meaning: Considered the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Troy was the daughter of Leda and Zeus. This classic Greek name means light.
Hera Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Heh-rah Meaning: Hera was the ultimate goddess - as the wife of Zeus she ruled over Mount Olympus as queen of the gods.
Hero Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Heer-ro Meaning: Chosen by presenter Myleene Klass for her first-born daughter, this Greek name is a great choice for either a boy or girl. Hero was a priestess of Aphrodite in Greek mythology and it means demi-god.
Hermione Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Her-my-o-nee Meaning: Long before she was a Harry Potter character, Hermione was the daughter of the Spartan King Menelaus and his wife Helen. It means messenger or earthly.
Hyacinth Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Hy-ah-sinth Meaning:In Greek mythology, Hyacinthus was a Spartan accidentally killed by Apollo, from whose blood sprang a beautiful and fragrant flower. It became a female name in the 19th century and means blue larkspur or precious stone.
Ianthe Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Eye-an-thee Meaning: In Greek mythology, Ianthe was the daughter of Oceanus, supreme ruler of the sea. However, she was also said to be a woman so beautiful that when she died the gods made purple flowers grow around here, hence the name meaning violet flower.
Ioni Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: I-oh-nee Meaning: A colour name with a difference, Ioni means violet coloured-stone.
Iris Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: I-ris Meaning: In Greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the sea and sky and personified a rainbow, which is where this pretty name gets its meaning. Iris is also a great flower name and in ancient times, it represented power and majesty.
Jocasta Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Jo-cast-ta Meaning: Jocasta was the mother of Oedipus, who he also accidentally married - oops! Popular in the UK, since the 15th Century, it's thought this unusual Greek name means to speak or shining moon.
Katharine Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kath-e-rine Meaning: Even though this name has royal and saintly connections, it has lost popularity in recent years. It comes from the Greek word katharos, which means pure.
Kyriaki Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kee-ree-ah-kee Meaning: The perfect name if your little girl is born on the seventh day of the week as this Greek baby name means Sunday. It also refers to the Greek word 'kýrios', which means lord.
Kyrie Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kee-ree-yay Meaning: Kyrie, which can be used for both girls and boys, means lord and comes from a Christian prayer entitled Kyrie Eleison.
Larrisa Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lah-ree-sah Meaning: The daughter of Pelasgus in Greek myths, Larrisa went on to give Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea, three sons. It means city or light-hearted.
Leandra Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: leh-ahn-drah Meaning: The feminine version of Leander, this Greek baby name means lion woman - roar!
Lyra Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Lie-rah Meaning: Lyra, which means lyre, is a small constellation, which features one of the brightest stars in the sky. Lyra Belacqua is the heroine of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials series and this cute Greek name was chosen by Ed Sheeran for his daughter.
Maia Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: My-ah Meaning: In Greek legend, Maia was the daughter of Atlas who mothered Zeus's favorite illegitimate son, Hermes. The name, which is often spelt Maya, means mother.
Margaret Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Mahr-ga-rit Meaning: It may have English regal connections thanks to Princess Margaret, but this name is as Greek as they come. It means pearl. Cute alternative Margaret names include Maggie, Margaux and Meg.
Medora Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Meh-dora Meaning: Medora is a romantic heroine in Lord Byron's narrative poem The Corsair and means ruler. Can be shortened to Dora.
Melissa Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Muh-lis-uh Meaning: In Greek mythology, Melissa was a nymph who nursed the infant god Zeus with honey and the name actually derives from the Greek word 'mélissa', which means honey bee.
Monica Origin: Latin, Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mon-i-ka Meaning: A popular name with Catholics because of Saint Monica, the name enjoyed a brief revival in popularity thanks to Monica Gellar in Friends. It simply means adviser.
Myrrh Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Mur Meaning: Myrrh is taken from the ancient Greek word 'muron' and means ancient spice. It was one of three gifts the wise men brought with them when they visited baby Jesus.
Naida Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Nay-dah Meaning: Great for parents who are water lovers - or perhaps for those girls born under the water signs - this Greek name means water nymph.
Nicole Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ni-cole Meaning: A classic Greek baby name, it means people of victory.
Nyx Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nix Meaning: In Greek mythology, Nyx was a powerful goddess, who embodied the night.
Oceane Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Oh-she-ann Meaning: A variation of Oceana, which unsurprisingly means ocean. Oceana is the female form of Oceanus, the god of the sea.
Onyx Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: On-niks Meaning: A unisex Greek gemstone name, which means fingernail!
Ophelia Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Oh-feelia Meaning: Many Greek baby names were favoured by Shakespeare. One such one was Ophelia, who is the tragic heroine in Hamlet. A popular name in the 1800s, it means help.
Olympia Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Oh-lim-pia Meaning: As Greek baby names go, this is the ultimate Greek name, Olympia means from Mount Olympus, which was the home of all the Greek gods.
Pamela Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Pam-uh-luh Meaning: While Pamela Anderson is probably the most famous star with this name, Pamela actually goes back to the 16th century. It means honey or all sweetness.
Penelope Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Pe-nel-uh-pee Penelope was the wife of Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey. As she stayed faithful to Odysseus, she symbolised faithfulness in marriage. Penelope is thought to have come from the Greek word pēnē, meaning thread of a bobbin, but some also believe the origin comes from a type of duck known as penelops, a type of duck.
Petal Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Pet-al Meaning: This pretty floral name has its origins in the Greek word petalon, which means a leaf or thin plate. In 2009, chef Jamie Oliver named his daughter Petal Blossom Rainbow.
Phaedra Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Fay-drah Meaning: This unisex name comes from the Greek word phaidros, which means bright. Phaedra was a bit of a tragic figure in Greek mythology - after falling in fell in love with her stepson Hippolytus, he spurned her advances and she committed suicide.
Phoebe Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fee-bee Meaning: In Greek mythology, Phoebe was a Titan - a daughter of Uranus and Gaia. She was symbolised by a gold crown, but this pretty Greek name means brightness. In later mythology, Phoebe was also identified with the moon.
Phyllis Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fil-is Meaning: Phyllis was the name of a woman who was turned into an almond tree in Greek mythology and the literally means green bough.
Rhea Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ray-uh Origin: A Greek goddess known as the mother of Gods, this nature name means flowing stream.
Sandra Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: San-dra Meaning: A female derivation of Alexandra, which means man’s defender, Sandra was hugely popular in the ‘60s and ‘70s.
Selene Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Se-leen Meaning: Selene was the Greek goddess of the moon, sister of Helios the sun god.
Semele Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Sem-e-lee Meaning: In Greek mythology, Semele was the only mortal to be the parent of a god, Dionysus, by Zeus.
Sophia Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: So-fee-uh Meaning: Sophia Lauren gives this name an injection of glamour, however, it actually means wisdom.
Stephanie Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Stef-an-nee Meaning: As Greek baby names go, this female version of Stephen, this Greek name comes from derived from Stephanos, meaning crown.
Tansy Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tan-see Meaning: If you’re looking for a flower name that’s more unique than Rose or Lily, Tansy is your girl! A perennial herbaceous plant of the aster family with small yellow blossoms, it means immortality.
Teresa Origin: Greek, Spanish, Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Tuh-ree-suh Meaning: Teresa means to harvest or late summer and is probably originally taken from the Greek island of Therasia.
Thalia Origin: Greek, Spanish, Italian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Tha-lee-ah Meaning: Back in ancient Greece, Thalia was the muse of comedy. She was also one of the three graces (alongside Aglaia and Euphosyne) who were all the embodiment of beauty and charm. This pretty Greek name means flourishing.
Thea Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Thee-uh Meaning: The anglicised spelling of Thela, who was the Titan of sight, goddess and light and mother of the moon. It means goddess or godly.
Thekla Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tehk-lah Meaning: From ancient Greek, this unusual name means glory to God. It was also the name of a saint.
Thelma Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Tehk-lah Meaning: As Greek baby names go, this is a popular name right up until the 1940s, Thelma has lost its popularity in recent years, which is a shame as it has a great meaning - ambitious and wilful.
Tiffany Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Tiff-annie Meaning: It stands for god’s appearance. It's also the name of the very popular luxury jewellery brand and an '80s pop star!
Titania Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tit-tahn-ya Meaning: The name of the queen of the fairies in A Midsummer Night's Dream, this Greek name comes from the Titans, a group of giants whose parents were Uranus and Gaea.
Xenia Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Zeen-ee-a Meaning: It's the name of a Bond girl and also the ancient Greek name of a concept of hospitality, so it's perhaps not surprising this name means welcoming or hospitable.
Yolanda Origin: Greek, Spanish | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Yo-lan-dah Meaning: If you're after an unusual flower name, chose this one - it means violet flower.
Zina Origin: Greek, Russian | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zee-nah Meaning: A Russian name that comes from the Greek god, Zeus, it means welcoming or hospitable.
Zoe Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Zoh-ee Meaning: A popular name within Greece, Zoe means life. It is the direct translation of the Hebrew name of Eve. Can also be spelt Zoey or Zooey, as in the Elf actress Zooey Deschanel.
Greek baby names for boys
Aeson Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Aye-sin Meaning: In Greek mythology, Aeson was King of Iolcos and father of Jason, the leader of the Argonauts.
Alexander Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Al-ex-an-der Meaning: Alexander the Great was an infamous warrior so it’s perhaps not too much of a surprise that this strong boy’s name means defending people!
Ajax Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: A-jax Meaning: Although the name comes from the ancient Greek word for alas, Ajax was a warrior hero, whose exploits are told in Homer's poem The Illiad. Can be shortened to Jax.
Amby Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Am-bee Meaning: As Greek baby names go, this is a shortened and more modern version of Ambrose, this cute baby name means immortal.
Ander Origin: Scandinavian, Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: An-dur Meaning: This is a strong name for any little baby boy as it means lion man – roar!
Andreas Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: An-dree-as Meaning: This Greek name means warrior.
Angelo Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ahn-jeh-loh Meaning: Chosen by Adele for her son, Angelo is the male version of Angel and means divine messenger. Can also be spelt Anjelo.
Apollo Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Apol-lo Meaning: One for music-loving parents as Apollo was the god of music and arts. It means destroyer.
Ares Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Air-eez Meaning: This Greek boy's name means ruin, deriving from the fact that Ares was the god of war in Greek mythology.
Aristotle Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Ari-stah-tol Meaning: The name of 4th century Greek philosopher, Aristotle means the best purpose or knowledgeable. Can be shortened to the very cute Ari.
Artemis Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ar-te-mis Meaning: As with many Greek baby names, this one is related to Greek mythology. While Artemis was a goddess of the hunt and wilderness, this Greek name is popular for both sexes. It was chosen by Eoin Colfer or the name of his genius teenage spy, Artemis Fowl.
Aster Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Ah-stur Meaning: The name of the Aster flower was derived from the Greek word for star.
Atlas Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Att-las Meaning: One for parents who like to travel or perhaps are into green living, in Greek mythology Atlas was doomed to forever hold up the heavens, including Earth, so it's no wonder this boys' name means strength.
Balthazar Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Balt-hazar Meaning: The name of one of the Three Wise Men, this unique name means Baal protects the King.
Barnaby Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Barn-a-bee Meaning: Barnaby is an anglicised form of the Greek name, Barnabas, and means son of consolation.
Callister Origin: Greek, Irish, Scottish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Cal-ist-ər Meaning: Derived from the name Alexander, it was originally a Scottish and Irish surname. It means son of Alexander.
Charon Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kair-uhn Meaning: Charon was the ferryman to Hades, transporting the dead to their new destination. It means of keen gaze.
Christian Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kris-chuhn Meaning: This traditional name means follower of Christ. It actually started off as girl’s name in the Middle Ages, but over the years has become a popular boy’s name.
Christopher Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kris-to-fur Meaning: As Greek baby names go this is derived from the Greek word 'kristos' this classic name means follow the leader.
Cletus Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Meaning: An ancient Greek name that hasn't seen quite the popularity as other names like Theodore or Max, Cletus means illustrious, called forth or invoked.
Colson Origin: Greek, English | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kohl-san Meaning: A name that derives from Nicholas and means people's triump.
Cosmo Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Koz-mo Meaning: An out-of-this-world that makes a really unique choice for a boy. Scarlett Johansson named her first son Cosmo and it means order and beauty.
Costas Origin: Greek,Latin | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Kos-tas Meaning: A shortened version of Constantine, this popular Greek name means constant or steadfast.
Cyril Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Seer-el Meaning: A saint name, Cyril comes from the Greek name Kyrillos, which means lordly or masterful.
Cy Origin: Greek, Persian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Si Meaning: A diminutive of Cyrus, this short and sweet name derives from the Persian for sun.
Damon Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Day-mon Meaning: Damon was a god from the Greek mythology, who symbolised trust and loyalty in friendship. It means to tame or subdue.
Darion Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dare-een-un Meaning: A Greek name that is great for both genders, Darion means gift.
Deacon Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dee-ken Meaning: Chosen by Reese Witherspoon for her son, Deacon means dusty one, servant or messenger.
Deion Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Day-an Meaning: This unique Greek name means follower of Dionysos, the Greek god of wine, merriment, and theatre.
Denny Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Den-ee Meaning: This cute boy's name comes from the Greek god of wine, merriment and theatre - Dionysos. It means follower of Zeus.
Dimitri Origin: Greek, French, Russian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: De-mee-tree Meaning: A modern version of the Greek name Demetrius, this name refers to Demeter - the goddess of earth, agriculture, harvest and forests. It means from the mother of land.
Draco Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Dray-co Meaning: One for Harry Potter fans, this modern name means dragon.
Dryas Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Drie-əs Meaning: Derived from the Greek 'drus', which means oak tree.
Eugene Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Yoo-jeen Meaning: A popular name at the beginning of the 20th century, this name means well-born or noble.
Evander Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ee-van-der Meaning: Evander Holyfield is an American boxer, but the original Evander was actually the son of gods - Carmentis and Hermes. He introduced some of the things we still value today, including writing! It means good man.
Galen Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gey-luhn Meaning: As Greek baby names go, this is a beautiful unisex name that means peaceful.
Gelos Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Ge-los Meaning: In Greek mythology, Gelos was the personification of laughter, making it a lovely, happy choice for any baby boy.
Gene Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jeen Meaning: A, some may say, cooler diminutive of Eugene, it means of noble descent. First made popular by actor and dancer Gene Kelly back in the '50s, it's having a resurgence again now thanks to the likes of Liam Gallagher and Nicole Appleton choosing it for their son.
Geo Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gee-oh Meaning: An abbreviation of George, this cute boy’s name means farmer. It was super popular at the end of the 1800s, so perhaps it’s due for a revival now?
George Origin: Greek | Style: Classic| Pronunciation: Jor-j Meaning: While George may seem a very English name - we do after all celebrate St George's Day - it's origins are firmly Greek. It means farmer and since coming to English shores, has become a popular royal name. George was the name of the king of Britain for 116 years in a row and more recently, is the name of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s eldest son.
Georgios Origin: Greek | Style: Classic| Pronunciation: Jor-gee-ous Meaning: The Greek version of George, it means farmer, and is one of the most popular male names in Greece today.
Giles Origin: Greek, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jiles Meaning: An animal-inspired name that comes from the Latin ‘qaegidius’, which means young goat.
Gregory Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Greg-or-ree Meaning: It means vigilant or a watchman - can be shortened to Greg.
Hector Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hek-tuh Meaning: As Greek baby names go, this comes from hektor, which means steadfast in Greek. Hector was also a hero in Greek mythology – he was a brave warrior in the Trojan war.
Helios Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hee-lee-os Meaning: The perfect Greek name for any boy born in the summer - this name means the sun.
Hermes Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Her-mees Meaning: This ancient Greek name has a rich history – Hermes was the messenger god. It's also the name of a luxury fashion brand so you'll be sure that your little boy will be suitable fashionably from day one!
Hyperion Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hie-peer-i-ən Meaning: Hyperion was one of the Titans, who presided over heavenly light. A watcher the name comes from the Greek word 'hyper' which means over and this Greek name means the one who goes over.
Indigo Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: In-dee-go Meaning: An interesting colour name for both sexes, indigo is a deep blue-purple dye from plants native to India.
Jalin Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jay-lin Meaning: Want a calm and content baby? Then perhaps choose this Greek name as it means calm. Can also be spelt Jaylon.
Jason Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Jay-sen Meaning: In Greek mythology, Jason was a famous hero, who led the Argonauts in the quest for the Golden Fleece. This classic Greek name means a person who heals.
Jedrick Origin: Greek, Polish | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jed-rick Meaning: A strong sounding name and there's a reason why, it means warrior in Greek. In Poland, where this name is popular, it also means manly!
Jerome Origin: Greek, English | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Juh-rome Meaning: Jerome is actually an anglicised version of the Ancient Greek name Hieronymos, which means sacred name.
Jonas Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jo-nus Meaning: This Greek variation of the Hebrew name Jonah, it means dove.
Jude Origin: Greek, Hebrew | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Jood Meaning: It's thanks to the likes of actor Jude Law that this Ancient Greek name is popular right now. It means praised.
Kayson Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kays-an Meaning: Most likely a derivative of Jason, this name comes the Greek word 'iasthai', which means to heal.
Koren Origin: Greek, Hebrew, German | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Kor-un Meaning: A surname name, which has many origins. It may be of German heritage, meaning a dealer in grain, or it could be from Hebrew, meaning gleaming. Alternatively, it may come from the Greek female name Kora, which means maiden.
Leander Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: lee-AN-der Meaning: In Greek mythology, Leander fell in love with Hero and would swim the Hellespont every night to spend time with her. It means lion man.
Leonidas Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: LEE-a-need-as Meaning: As Greek baby names go, Leonidas was the name of the Greek city-state of Sparta. He led Greek forces to a last stand at the Battle of Thermopylae and while he sadly died at the battle, he entered into the great myths as the leader of the 300 Spartans. It means son of the lion.
Linus Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lye-nus Meaning: In Greek myth, Linus was a musician and poet - he invented rhythm and melody and taught music to Hercules! The name means flax.
Luke Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Loo-k Meaning: A classic name that never dates, Luke means man from Lucania, an ancient area in Southern Italy.
Morpheus Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Mor-fee-uhs Meaning: Morpheusi s a god associated with sleep and dreams and means shape or appearance. One for film fans as well - he's also a character in The Matrix movies, portrayed by Laurence Fishburne.
Myron Origin: Greek | Style: Modern |Pronunciation: My-ron Meaning: The meaning of Myron comes from myrrh – yes, that special gift from the Wise Men to Jesus – and means fragrant oil.
Napoleon Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Na-poh-lee-an Meaning: As Greek baby names go this one is for history buffs, Napoleon Bonaparte was an infamous military leader and this historical name means lion of the new city.
Nemo Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Nee-moh Meaning: A name that goes way back, it means nobody. It's obviously also the name of a very famous Disney fish!
Nestor Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nes-tor Meaning: One for parents who like to see the world, Nestor means one who returns from travels. In Greek mythology Nestor was the the son of Neleus, the King of Pylos and Chloris.
Nico Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Nee-koe Meaning: A shortened version of Nicholas, which means victory of the people.
Orion Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: O-ri-on Meaning: In Greek mythology, Orion was a mighty hunter, turned into a constellation by Zeus. A gender-neutral star-related name, it means rising in the sky or dawning.
Paris Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Pa-ris Meaning: Paris was the son of King Priam of Troy and Queen Hecuba and his love for the ladies created a bit of a battle. His decision to name Aphrodite the most attractive of all goddesses in order to win the affections of mortal Helen triggered the Trojan War - whoops! The name is thought to mean wallet.
Philip Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Fil-lip Meaning: A very royal name thanks to Prince Philip, the Greek meaning of this classic name is lover of horses.
Phoenix Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Fee-nix Meaning: Chosen by Spice Girl Mel B for her daughter, Phoenix means dark red and is a great Greek name for both boys and girls. The phoenix is also a bird from Greek mythology that never dies.
Piers Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Peers Meaning: Despite only four boys given this name in the UK in 2020, this name is solid - quite literally - as it means rock.
Ptolemy Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Tol-uh-mee Meaning: Ptolemy has great historic roots. Ptolemy was an Alexandrian astronomer and the name of one of Alexander the Great's generals – it means warlike. Can also be shortened to the more easily pronounceable Tolly.
Pyrrhus Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Pir-as Meaning: Another name for the son of Achilles, Neoptolemus, it comes from the Greek 'pyrrhus' meaning flame-coloured, red or fire.
Quinten Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Quinn-ten Meaning: As Greek baby names go Quinten comes from the Latin name Quentin and means fifth, so would be perfect for that fifth child!
Sebastian Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Seh-bas-tee-uhn Meaning: A classic Greek baby name meaning revered or venerable. Saint Sebastian is a popular saint within the Catholic church as the saint of archers, athletes, and those who desire a saintly death.
Sela Origin: Greek | Style: Boho | Pronunciation: Sel-ah Meaning: A short and sweet unisex name, related to the girl's name Selene, that means moon.
Simonides Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Si-mon-ides Meaning: This unusual Greek name comes from the Greek word 'simos' which means flat-nosed. During 6th and 5th centuries BC, Simonides was a legendary poet from the island of Ceos.
Spiro Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Meaning: This Greek name comes from the common Greek surname Spiros, which means basket used to carry seeds. Can also be spelt Spyro, like the dragon in the popular video game franchise.
Stevie Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Stee-vee Meaning: Related to the Greek name Stephen, Stevie means crown. Famous people with this name include Stevie Wonder and Stevie Nicks.
Thanos Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Than-os Meaning: Yes, Thanos is a Marvel villain, but the name has roots in Greek mythology and is derived from ancient Greek idea of Thanatos, which was the personification of death and oblivion. This mammoth name though actually has a much nicer meaning - noble and immortal.
Theodore Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Thee-oh-dore Meaning: Gift of God. First made popular by US president Theodore Roosevelt, the nickname Theo is also a popular choice for modern-day parents.
Theron Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: The-ron A powerful name for any little boy, it means hunter.
Timothy Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Tim-oh-thee Meaning: A classic Greek name that always seems to stand the test of time, actor Timothée Chamolet has given this popular name a modern twist with its alternative spelling. It means God's honour.
Vangelis Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Van-gel-is Meaning: A Greek name that sounds angelic and it should be because it means good news.
Xander Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zander Meaning: Greek baby names aren't stuck in the past - this shortened version of Alexander gives a classic name a hipster twist! Just like it's longer derivative, it means defender of man.
Xanthos Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zhan-thos Meaning: This edgy Greek name was the alternative moniker for the god Apollo. It means yellow or blonde so is the perfect choice for any fair-haired babies.
Zenos Origin: Greek | Style: Modern | Pronunciation: Zee-nos Meaning: Looking for a stand-out Greek name? Here it is - and it means hospitality. It's also the name of a prophet in the Book of Mormon.
Zephyr Origin: Greek | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Zef-er Meaning: A light and breezy name, Zephyrus or Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind – which is what this unusual Greek name means!"
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With over 24 years’ experience in journalism, she’s written about a variety of subjects and is just as at home interviewing A-list stars as she is testing nappies. Having started her career writing about Pokémon, ponies and wrestling, Jayne moved into the world of film journalism, where she spent the next eight years pinching herself while she got paid to interview Hollywood film stars and attend premieres. Since then, she’s launched websites for major magazines, worked with top brands such as Westfield, LK Bennett and Hunter, and had her own tech column in Women’s Own.
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