Prince William enjoyed his childhood haircuts for one very relatable reason, reveals Princess Diana’s stylist

It's not easy getting a child to sit still and get their hair cut, but young Prince William adored the downtime

Prince William
(Image credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images/Future)

Prince William's childhood hairdresser has revealed some sweet insight into their appointments and shared the relatable reason he enjoyed getting his hair cut as a youngster. 

There's no question that Prince William and Prince Harry's childhoods were vastly different from those of other kids growing up at the same time as them. They may have enjoyed ‘normal’ family dinners, but growing up in the royal line of succession meant they attended prestigious boarding schools, were bound by royal protocol whenever they went outside, and, mostly importantly, were always being watched by the the public.

This meant they were always impeccably dressed and their hair expertly styled. In fact, the boys enjoyed the privilege, though it likely didn't feel like it at the time, of having their hair cut by the same stylist who looked after their mother Princess Diana's iconic hair. 

But while many parents struggle to get their child into the styling chair, let alone make them sit still for the time it takes to get a trim, Richard Dalton, who was a long-term member of Diana's hair styling team, has revealed that William loved getting his haircut - though not for the haircut itself. 

Speaking to PEOPLE Magazine, Dalton said that William only enjoyed his hair appointments as it meant he would be allowed 'extra screen time' while the hairdresser spent their time getting his hair perfect. He added that he believed William didn't care about the look of the hair at all as, from his childhood perspective, the appointment meant one thing and one thing only - "extra television". 

Diana clearly trusted Dalton with her children's hair as he was the first person ever to give both William and Harry a haircut and he was the only one to do so until 1991 when William was nine years old.

The hairdresser would visit the family home 'every day, sometimes twice a day' to do Diana's hair and check up on the boys, over the years meaning he got very close with the family. "I would see her every morning, and obviously she had an event every day [and would] come back at 5 o'clock to do tiaras," he said, adding that Harry and William "both were very sweet" whenever he visited.  

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News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.