Prince Louis' Coronation antics cheered up a 'tired' and 'stressed' King Charles

Prince Louis' Coronation antics helped to lighten the mood for the King

King Charles and Prince Louis - Prince Louis' Coronation antics
(Image credit: Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

The run up to the Coronation celebrations took their toll on King Charles but Prince Louis' charm was reportedly all that was needed to 'cheer up' his 'stressed' grandfather.

Princess Charlotte may have been named the 'standout star’ of the Royal Family, and Prince George may be the highest Wales child in the royal line of succession, but Prince Louis isn't letting his title of the youngest sibling pull him down.  

From smashing his first ever official royal engagement, during which Kate Middleton's nickname for him was revealed, to his adorable fifth birthday portraits that left royal fans gushing over how quickly he is growing up, the young Prince has taken to royal life as a fish to water - even his mischievous antics attract delight across the country. 

Prince Louis' Coronation antics

(Image credit: Getty Images)

But perhaps the biggest insight into just how naturally Louis has fallen into his royal role is his reported behavior during the King's Coronation rehearsals. According to reports in The Mirror, during the arduous Coronation rehearsals, the five-year-old son of Kate Middleton and Prince William cheered up his 'stressed' and 'tired' grandfather, King Charles, as the rehearsals appeared to be taking a toll on the monarch. 

Prince Louis and Princess Charlotte - Prince Louis' Coronation antics

(Image credit: YUI MOK/POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

According to a source who spoke to The Mirror, "The King was seen to be looking worn down and glum on his throne in Westminster Abbey during the rehearsal for the long-running, formal ceremony. However, he appeared to look brighter and perkier upon spotting his grandson Prince Louis, who was standing near him.”

The source continued, “It was a long day, and everyone was getting a little tired and stressed. Even the King began to look a little worn down. He was sitting on the throne looking glum.”

“Then suddenly he looked to the side and saw Prince Louis standing beside him. His eyes lit up and he said, ‘Hello, Louis. I didn’t see you there.’ You could see how much he adored the little boy. He put an arm around him and began showing him all the regalia. He explained everything to him and pointed out the different gems. In that snapshot, the two of them seemed completely entranced. It was lovely to watch.”

Prince Louis' Coronation antics

(Image credit: Getty Images)

The Coronation weekend was a huge event for Prince Louis. After celebrating his fifth birthday mere weeks before the historic occasion, and making his first-ever official Easter Sunday service debut with the Royal Family just the month prior, there was a lot of pressure on the youngster. 

But the Prince was on his best behavior. After yawning a couple of times during the ceremony, which is understandable in a 2-hour-long service, he briefly disappeared from the front pew, returning just in time to sing “God Save the King” for the first time in public at the end of the event. 

On the bank holiday Monday, Louis joined the rest of his family as they helped to renovate a scout hut in Slough as part of the Big Help Out event. The Prince was in great sprits as he helped to repaint an outdoor planter, getting the white paint all over himself and in his hair. Noticing the paint, he pointed to the white streaks in his hair and jokingly said, "Just like Grandpa!" Even the King is not immune to the five-year-old's antics and we love it!

News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.