Prince Harry thought marriage ‘was never going to happen’ for his brother Prince William and is glad to have found an ‘older sister’ in Kate Middleton

“I think the two of them are a perfect match"

Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry
(Image credit: Zak Hussein/Corbis via Getty Images)

Prince Harry has shared how he and the rest of the Royal Family worried that marriage ‘was never going to happen’ for his brother Prince William and revealed he is glad to now have an ‘older sister’ in Kate Middleton.

Prince Harry and his brother Prince William are seemingly as far apart as ever, with the older sibling reportedly 'worried' about Harry having another 'outburst' that may 'overshadow' the first anniversary of the late Queen's passing. With the feud raging on, it's easy to forget that the pair were once stuck to each other like glue as Harry accompanied William and Kate Middleton on many engagements as a power-trio showing off the modernisation of The Firm, though Harry has said he often felt like a “gooseberry" when third-wheeling.

Many of the seemingly happy moments we all saw Harry take part in appear to be tinged with sadness in reality. For just one example, in his scathing memoir Spare, Harry revealed that he felt his brother was 'gone forever' after he and Kate tied the knot back in 2011. But his claims seem to forget how the royal couple brought him into their family and allowed him to form just as close a bond with Kate as he already had with William. The two were so close in fact, that Harry referred to Kate as his 'older sister,'

Comments from a resurfaced interview with Grazia, which Harry took part in ahead of Kate and William's iconic wedding event, show Harry's strong bond with Kate and his happiness that his brother was finally settling down with her. He told Grazia, "I’ve got to know Kate pretty well, but now that she’s becoming part of the family, I’m really looking forward to getting her under my wing – or she’ll be taking me under her wing probably.

"She’s a fantastic girl. She really is. My brother’s very lucky, and she’s very lucky to have my brother. I think the two of them are a perfect match."

Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry

(Image credit: Andrew Parsons - WPA Pool/Getty Images)

Harry added that both he and the Royal Family were worried that William 'was never going' to get married after he waited for seven years to propose. "We all thought that it was never going to happen for him. But it has happened, and I think everyone’s going to be very proud of him," he said. 

"I think he’s done the right thing. He’s waited, and he’s done it when he feels right, and it’s a huge step.”

The long time frame from Kate and William meeting while at university together in Scotland to the Prince finally getting down on one knee was a conscious choice for the young William as he was reportedly scarred by the 'bitter breakup' of his own parents' marriage. 

Speaking on the Amazon Prime documentary William and Kate: Into The Future, royal expert Richard Kay shared, "Everything about William you can trace back to what happened to his parents—he lived through the bitter breakup of their marriage.

“He knows how much what happened to them destroyed their marriage. He’s very concerned not to make the same mistakes.”

Prince William, Kate Middleton and Prince Harry

(Image credit: Jeff Spicer/Getty Images)

But while everyone was glad that William was finally getting married, Harry did have an odd comment to add about Kate's upcoming induction into the Royal Family. After singing his praises for the couple and revealing that he's glad for their marriage, Harry made a bizarre suggestion that seemingly snubbed his soon-to-be sister-in-law. He shared, "A younger brother or younger sister would have been nicer. But to have a big sister is obviously very, very nice."

The resurfaced comments have sparked much speculation about what Harry meant with his words. Reports in The Express take the stance that Harry's remarks appear to refer to his mother Princess Diana's longing to have a baby girl and are nothing to do with him trying to snub Kate. What do you think?

News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.