Kate Middleton proves she is 'leader of the family' as she 'coaches' Prince George and Princess Charlotte through Wimbledon appearance

Princess Charlotte made her Wimbledon debut last weekend

Kate Middleton, Prince George and Princess Charlotte - Kate Middleton leader of the family
(Image credit: Julian Finney/Getty Images)

Kate Middleton proved that she is the 'leader' of the Wales family during Prince George and Princess Charlotte's Wimbledon appearance, a body language expert says. 

Prince George and Princess Charlotte's summer holidays are in full swing and the royal youngsters are certainly having a lot of fun. After breaking up from school slightly earlier than most UK school children, the whole family took a trip to RAF Fairfield, where Princess Charlotte rewore last year's sweet summer dress and the kids got to see some seriously impressive aircrafts. 

It's set to be a different summer for the Wales', with the family reportedly planning to stay at their home Adelaide Cottage, which has some strict renovation rules preventing Kate and Prince William from turning it into their dream family home, rather than jetting off abroad or travelling down to their favourite UK holiday destination. And one thing is already noticeably different. 

The family are usually incredibly protective of the children's privacy during their summer holidays but so far we've already seen George and Charlotte make two public appearances - and they did not disappoint. 

Making her Wimbledon debut last weekend, Princess Charlotte proved she is Kate Middleton's mini me as she rocked a pair of adorable sunglasses and, not to be left out, Kate Middleton made a sweet tribute to an absent Prince Louis during her special Wimbledon appearance. 

But while Kate enjoyed the Final match on Sunday, there was something she was watching even more closely - her children's behaviour. And according to one body language expert, the way she 'coached' George and Charlotte through the appearance proved she is the 'leader of the family'.

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince George and Princess Charlotte

(Image credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage)

Speaking about Kate's 'regal' body language, Judi James told The Express, "Kate showed herself to be the true Queen of Wimbledon this year, stepping up into her very high profile regal leadership and hosting role with body language displays of confidence and a genuine passion for the game.

"She was very much the leader of her small family group too, hosting and coaching Charlotte and George while William stepped back to gaze on proudly using body language like a ‘fig leaf’ hand clasp barrier in front of the torso that made him look a little like an over-awed child himself.

Kate Middleton leader of the family

(Image credit: Getty Images)

"It looked like 'bring your children to work' day for Kate, who hosted with an impressive firmness, introducing Charlotte and George by name to the players and staff she was meeting and indulging in some lengthy explanations and instructions to her son and daughter that suggested she is now taking a huge role in preparing them for royal life."

Throughout the match, Kate could be seen leaning in to explain the game to her children who listened intently to their mum. Speaking about this 'coaching,' James shared, "Her constant pointing and explanations seemed to work in terms of motivation. Both children appeared to be as enthusiastic about the match as Kate herself was by the time the final was under way and their mirroring of her body language rituals showed a synchronisation that was proof of her power and her leadership role at that location."

Kate Middleton, Prince George and Princess Charlotte

(Image credit: Karwai Tang/WireImage)

Prince William also proved his parenting skills during the event, with the strong bond between him and his oldest son clear for all to see. 

James explained, "George’s body language as he watched the match was almost identical to the rituals he uses when watching football with his dad. His air punches were a rather macho sign of victory that he has copied from William, but his face-covering gesture with both hands looked identical to a gesture his mother used, showing like-minded enthusiasm."

But Princess Charlotte was the real star of the show for the expert who shared, "It was Charlotte who was the revelation here, though. While her big brother restricted himself to spontaneous but more subtle signs of encouragement and celebration, Charlotte was in full battle-cry mode - throwing her arms up into the air with her mouth wide open in a roar of enthusiasm.

"Charlotte also copied Kate’s hands over the face cut-off gesture when the tension got too much, although unlike her brother she couldn’t resist still peeking at the court.

"Charlotte and Kate make a very compelling double act with high levels of subliminal mirroring. Their heads leant together in a non-verbal sign of synchronicity and as they watched the match they moved or sat in similar positions. And then there was the very sweet moment of affection between mother and daughter. As Charlotte looked at her mother Kate placed her fingers under her chin to tilt her head up gently, which was an affectionate gesture to show Charlotte had her full attention and support."

News writer

Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse is a news writer for Goodtoknow, specialising in family content. She began her freelance journalism career after graduating from Nottingham Trent University with an MA in Magazine Journalism, receiving an NCTJ diploma, and earning a First Class BA (Hons) in Journalism at the British and Irish Modern Music Institute. She has also worked with BBC Good Food and The Independent.